ESPN Eli and Peyton...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...commercial, with dad, on a tour of ESPN, hilarious!!!

The tour drones on and Eli and Peyton are lagging behind, picking on each other , dad shoots them a dirty look. Classic!!!



All Up In Your Grill
I thought the same thing! That commercial is awesome! The only thing I would have put at the end was Peyton putting Eli in a headlock and pulling a Three Stooges stunt on him. :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was...

I thought the same thing! That commercial is awesome! The only thing I would have put at the end was Peyton putting Eli in a headlock and pulling a Three Stooges stunt on him. :killingme

...waiting for the back leg butt kick. PERFECT.

The way Archie glances back is priceless, Peyton instantly pointing to Eli, "It's not me!"



Well-Known Member
Thought it was funny the first few times they've showed it. Like all of the Manning family commercials it's been way over played... I think it would be nice to watch just one football game without having to see one of the Manning's in it.


All Up In Your Grill
Thought it was funny the first few times they've showed it. Like all of the Manning family commercials it's been way over played... I think it would be nice to watch just one football game without having to see one of the Manning's in it.

I was watching XGames when I saw it. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Thought it was funny the first few times they've showed it. Like all of the Manning family commercials it's been way over played... I think it would be nice to watch just one football game without having to see one of the Manning's in it.
