Essay...Why Democrats can't connect--

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Everybody talks about the democrats being out of touch and not able to win. Now in the congress they lost it bad, but with the presidency, it's not as if it was a landslide for Bush. Just being he devils advocate here. I think what's more accurate to say is that maybe they are out of touch with the people who sit on the fence or could be swayed to one side or the other. As far as other democrats, they are probably right on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That last part "Will They Ever Learn" was right on the money. I get really tired of liberal elitists dismissing the majority of the US as "fly-over country", like those people don't count and are a bunch of hicks who marry their sisters and the only people who matter and truly know the score are those in Washington, Manhattan and LA. It's offensive and as long as Democrats sneer at normal people like that, they won't win.

I admittedly love New York but I look down my nose when some tard, upon hearing I'm from Lincoln, Nebraska, acts like I just told them I'm from Lithuania or something. :rolleyes:

And I look down on these pompous news anchors that make snarky remarks about "NASCAR dads", like they're some fascinating oddity. Hello? You, Dan Rather, are the oddity with your small, unsophisticated worldview that can't imagine why anyone would rather go watch the car races than hit some cocktail party to listen to Barbra Streisand and her small, unsophisticated worldview.
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New Member
There's some good stuff in here...I think what the Democratic Party needs is better leaders, not necessarily a drastically different message. Kerry and Gore and Dean and Pelosi don't cut it. Reid would be better if he wasn't so soft-spoken, Obama is damn good, and Evan Byah are the ones I look to.

The only quote I wanna bring up is this
George Bush is appealing to a new group that really is threatened — the under-35's who cannot afford a house, have student loans, high car and health insurance, and are concerned that their poor therapeutic education will leave them impoverished as China and the rest of Asia race ahead.

I am not sure where the proof for this point is. First of all, the only age group that Kerry carried was 18-29 year olds and opinion polls show that younger workers oppose Bush's privatization Social Security proposals at the same clip as other workers. So not sure where the author is getting that one.


The only reason that Kerry carried the youngest voters was because he used the threat of a draft under George Bush to get them to the polls. My kids have many friends who voted that way just for that reason, so I'm guessing it was the lead causal factor. They didn't care about social security, jobs, the war in Iraq... just the chance of the draft coming back.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
rraley said:
Bru, you gotta be one believed that crap.
Nobody I knew believed it. I think it was created by the media (not dems or repubs) out of a need to try and compare this war to Vietnam.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Nobody I knew believed it. I think it was created by the media (not dems or repubs) out of a need to try and compare this war to Vietnam.
Perhaps not - but it was still the most prevalent remark coming from the mouths of teens and college-age persons regarding the campaign (other than the usual barrage of anti-Bush insults, bereft of any knowledge of a single issue).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is absurd in the extreme...

When will Democrats learn?

Kerry was Ohio away from being the boss. Gore was 260 votes in Florida.

There is a bunch of Demcrats in the House and Senate and state Houses.

Wake me up when there is a Super majority of GOP'ers.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
When will Democrats learn?

Kerry was Ohio away from being the boss. Gore was 260 votes in Florida.

There is a bunch of Demcrats in the House and Senate and state Houses.

Wake me up when there is a Super majority of GOP'ers.
Nevertheless - they were BOTH fairly close elections - 2000 being SO close, the Electoral College gave an unusual result.

What IS baffling to me is the other political reality - they've outright LOST the Senate and House for the past ten years and the foreseeable future - and they have only won the White House on the tails of Watergate and the assistance of Ross Perot. Even MONDALE could have gotten elected those two times (reminder to readers: Mondale, the recipient of the biggest azz-kicking in recent history).

The baffling part? The Democrats *still* think they speak for the majority of the people - even though no poll or vote seems to suggest that. When they were slammed at the polls last November (and let's NOT forget they were *shocked* at the losses they took in 2002), they attributed it to a combination of stupid Americans who don't know WHO they *should* vote for, red state rednecks, not getting their message out, Republicans using "fear" to get elected, a repeat of the voter disenfranchisement fantasy - and a "America has changed; let's move to *Canada*" (to which I say, *please* - they're YOUR kind of people, and we could always use fewer liberal voters).

This is what is known as "invincible ignorance" in logic class - also known as "a priori" thinking. It's the reasoning of "I know what the facts are, so when they don't align with reality, they must be wrong". It's "who you gonna believe, ME, or your own two eyes?".

Republicans haven't "usurped" the power - they were elected - ten years in a row. They won the White House - 7 out the last 10 elections. Get a grip - the Democrats do NOT represent the majority.


rraley said:
Bru, you gotta be one believed that crap.

Gee rr, you must have been listening to us debunking Kerry's claims because you're definately the exception to the rule on this one. My daughter voted for Kerry, despite my trying everything short of doping her up to vote for Bush, solely because she had heard that Bush was going to bring back the draft and she didn't want her boyfriend getting drafted. Her boyfriend voted the same way, and for the same reason. When I asked her and her other firends about their concerns the feedback was all the same: we don't want Bush to draft us.