Larry Gude said:
When will Democrats learn?
Kerry was Ohio away from being the boss. Gore was 260 votes in Florida.
There is a bunch of Demcrats in the House and Senate and state Houses.
Wake me up when there is a Super majority of GOP'ers.
Nevertheless - they were BOTH fairly close elections - 2000 being SO close, the Electoral College gave an unusual result.
What IS baffling to me is the other political reality - they've outright LOST the Senate and House for the past ten years and the foreseeable future - and they have only won the White House on the tails of Watergate and the assistance of Ross Perot. Even MONDALE could have gotten elected those two times (reminder to readers: Mondale, the recipient of the biggest azz-kicking in recent history).
The baffling part? The Democrats *still* think they speak for the majority of the people - even though no poll or vote seems to suggest that. When they were slammed at the polls last November (and let's NOT forget they were *shocked* at the losses they took in 2002), they attributed it to a combination of stupid Americans who don't know WHO they *should* vote for, red state rednecks, not getting their message out, Republicans using "fear" to get elected, a repeat of the voter disenfranchisement fantasy - and a "America has changed; let's move to *Canada*" (to which I say, *please* - they're YOUR kind of people, and we could always use fewer liberal voters).
This is what is known as "invincible ignorance" in logic class - also known as "a priori" thinking. It's the reasoning of "I know what the facts are, so when they don't align with reality, they must be wrong". It's "who you gonna believe, ME, or your own two eyes?".
Republicans haven't "usurped" the power - they were elected - ten years in a row. They won the White House - 7 out the last 10 elections. Get a grip - the Democrats do NOT represent the majority.