Eternal Liturgy vs Contemporary Worship


Soul Probe
I don't begrudge anyone their particular form of worship. If it brings them closer to Christ, then I'm all for it. However, for me, nothing can take the place of the Word/Eucharistic Liturgy. It takes me to a special place, a state of being. I'm gifted with a unity -- with God, the Church Triumphant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Militant -- that I otherwise cannot achieve in any other manner. It's truly a window to Heaven that is beautiful and moving. I don't suppose God would reject anyone's sincere worship, but I feel the Word/Eucharistic Liturgy is worship worthy of Him. When I attended my first Catholic Mass I felt like I had come home, "THIS is worship and THIS is where I must be." I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same at an Orthodox Divine Liturgy as well. :smile:


New Member
I don't begrudge anyone their particular form of worship. If it brings them closer to Christ, then I'm all for it. However, for me, nothing can take the place of the Word/Eucharistic Liturgy. It takes me to a special place, a state of being. I'm gifted with a unity -- with God, the Church Triumphant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Militant -- that I otherwise cannot achieve in any other manner. It's truly a window to Heaven that is beautiful and moving. I don't suppose God would reject anyone's sincere worship, but I feel the Word/Eucharistic Liturgy is worship worthy of Him. When I attended my first Catholic Mass I felt like I had come home, "THIS is worship and THIS is where I must be." I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same at an Orthodox Divine Liturgy as well. :smile:

Many Protestants I know describe a very similar feeling during contemporary praise or some do as well during hymn singing. Unfortuantely we must be careful to not let feelings take the place of truth. In the Old Testament, worship became a very ritualistic and cold thing and people outwardly went through the motions. Jesus exploded that saying worship was in "spirit and in truth". Paul like Jesus calls us to focus on getting in line inwardly with the truth of who God is. He equates our entire lives to an act of worship, a fragrant offering of thanksgiving. That is the worship The Father wants most of all. When we come together in fellowship and corporate worship, it matters not the style so far as it does not contradict scripture.


Soul Probe
Many Protestants I know describe a very similar feeling during contemporary praise or some do as well during hymn singing. Unfortuantely we must be careful to not let feelings take the place of truth. In the Old Testament, worship became a very ritualistic and cold thing and people outwardly went through the motions. Jesus exploded that saying worship was in "spirit and in truth". Paul like Jesus calls us to focus on getting in line inwardly with the truth of who God is. He equates our entire lives to an act of worship, a fragrant offering of thanksgiving. That is the worship The Father wants most of all. When we come together in fellowship and corporate worship, it matters not the style so far as it does not contradict scripture.

And "corporate" worship as you call it is a tool to use to "get in line inwardly with the truth of who God is". As I said, I don't begrudge anyone their particular form of worship.


Bead mumbler
Snake handlers believe they are looking inwardly to God in their worship--after all, they will tell you it's scriptural!

I find myself gravitating toward the Byzantine Rite more and more. I am a post Vatican II born Catholic. I am gaining a better understanding of those who are bitter about the changes V2 brought liturgically. The NO Mass has it's place, but it no doubt opened the door to liturgical abuse and less awe inspiring worship.