EU Seeks Deal with Cuba


New Member
"The European Union and Cuba are strengthening their diplomatic ties. Now a German-led delegation in Cuba is exploring the dictatorship's willingness to make concessions to the EU, in the form of allowing a non-government organization to open its doors in Havana."

Brussels' Man in Havana: EU Seeks Deal with Cuba - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

Hitler used to say that he would rather deal with a severe toothache, than to negotiate with Francisco Franco. What does that have to do with the subject ? Castro and Franco are Galicians (NW Spain) and anyone who has been to Galicia know that despite their provinicial mannerisms, the Galicians are politically astute. This bears watching, as it appears the German delegation is experiencing a moment of deja vu and as our currency has been taking hits like crazy from the EU dollar, it kind of satisfying to see that all isn't well in euroland.
Couple this with the news that our carrier groups are being buzzed by Soviet aircraft and Putin's threats of a semiCold War return means we are in for interesting times again.
Wonder what the Chinese are thinking ? Wonder if any of their deisel subs are in Cuba already ?
"May you be born in interesting times"-An Old Chinese curse.