European green energy fiasco is a terrifying warning for US this winter


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Renewable energy proves unreliable, so Europeans turn to coal and nuclear as they face crisis

Europe’s climate-consciousness is hardly paying off for European families who face startling energy blackouts this winter amid a dangerous energy crisis. The energy shortage is largely due to an over reliance on solar and wind generated power made worse by Europe’s 2015 Paris Climate Accord agreement, which mandated the closing of coal-fired power plants and replacing them with less reliable wind and solar power alternatives.

There is no doubt that unpredictable energy sources such as these cause unnecessary suffering, financial strain and even illness among the most vulnerable. Americans should take heed from Europe’s misguided energy strategy and misplaced reliance on wind and solar power, or else watch many regions of the United States endure lengthy power shortages.

As the colder months roll in, Europe could soon face temporary cuts in cell phone and internet service, school closures from a lack of lighting and heating and even traffic jams from underpowered traffic lights. In Germany, a country heavily dependent on Russian gas due to its shuttered nuclear power plants, candle sales have skyrocketed in anticipation of power blackouts. In fact, electric car owners in Finland are being told not to heat their vehicles on frigid mornings to avoid straining the electrical grid.

In the United Kingdom, energy companies have made a game of saving energy during peak usage times by bribing participants to sit in the dark in exchange for prizes and monetary savings.



Just sneakin' around....
In the United Kingdom, energy companies have made a game of saving energy during peak usage times by bribing participants to sit in the dark in exchange for prizes and monetary savings.
"Let's spin the wheel and see what they've won, Johnny!!!"

"And it's........ 5 more hours in the dark because they used electric to watch this stupid show on tv!!"


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Throughout the UK there are designated "warmth spots"..places like public libraries where people without home heat can go warm up, hang out, and survive....

As predicted and on schedule...the greenie crap is returning us to a stone age, or at least peasant-agrarian age, existence.


Well-Known Member
The mall here is a warmth spot during this cold spell. My mom's house is very well insulated, sealed, and has gas heat, I was always warm in it through the winter until last night, those high winds with a temperature of 1 degree F made the house feel like it had cold spots. Tonight it's a balmy 8 but the wind seems to have died down and it's toasty.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I actually let the cats sleep with me last night.