Europe's guilty secret: the incarcerated children


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
This is so sad, it made me weep for these poor babies. :bawl:

Exposing Europe's guilty secret: the incarcerated children of Bulgaria

It is the smell that assaults you - filthy nappies, unwashed babies, rotting flesh. Then you are hit by the silence, an eerie, unnatural silence, the silence of babies who have given up hope of ever being consoled, cuddled or comforted. It is the dreadful quiet of starving, neglected, unloved children waiting to die...

...The children in this particular wing have no human contact. They are fed lying on their backs, and have their nappies changed only when there happens to be a supply of new ones. Not one single word is uttered to them, so none of them is able to talk. This is how they live, and this is how they die.​


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It is too late to help many of the children incarcerated in institutions - their lives are already irreparably damaged. But we can stop the flow of children into these places. We need early intervention programmes in hospitals and maternity wards; we need to make people care. If you are one of those people who hunts through the supermarket to avoid buying a battery-raised chicken, think for a moment about these children, who are treated no better.

Please do not tell Barack Obama about this, or he'll take another few billion from us to send to Bulgaria.

This is my problem with humanitarian efforts: it takes someone else's problem and makes it our problem. If people want to donate voluntarily, that's great. But it shouldn't be something the US government gets involved in. Especially since, short of invading their countries, killing their leaders and converting them to Christianity, any help we give them will just be a band-aid that won't fix a damn thing.