Eva Cassidy


I was just sitting here with my wife on a Saturday night listening to all sorts of music on cable and youtube when we stumbled on Eva Cassidy. She was a local MDer. I knew her for a very brief time back in my college days, in the early 80s, when she sang for a group called Stonehenge. No one really knew her except the locals around the Bowie area. And no one knew the impact she would have on the music world.

I don't know how many folks knew her or even knew of her; but it wasn't until after she died that she became known worldwide. She has a most beautiful voice and even though she has her legacy, it's a shame she's not here to experience it.

I just wanted to share that with you folks.



New Member
this week was the anniversary of her death. She had a great voice and was taken way too soon

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I was very fortunate to hear her perform one time with Chuck Brown at the Wolf Trap Jazz and Blues Festival years ago. Words cannot describe the beautiful and haunting quality of her voice. She was simply amazing and taken from us much too soon. I think I own almost all of her albums and they are among my favorites. :yay: