Evangelical Baptist Pastor-You're Hurting Me With Your Bible


Well-Known Member

"I still love Jesus and read the Bible and pray every morning, and I don’t really care what they say,” he said. “I’m willing to let God and history be my judge.”

God will be his, and our, judge. Our histories will decide that judgement. Gushee is getting away from scriptural teachings - he should be concerned. This individual is just that - an individual - and will not make any difference to conservative biblical principles.

My question remains the same as it always has: If a church or assembly allows practicing homosexuality into the church, how can they justify biblical doctrine as a whole? If you are all talk and say you believe in the Bible, but allow biblical-defined sin into your midst, hypocrite much?

Loving the sinner is Christian doctrine. Allowing the sin into the body of Christ is not.


New Member
If a retail store doesn't keep its stock current and relevant..... it will go out of business.

Some churches [even the RCC IMHO] try to treat the church as a business..... The question these churches ask.... "If we don't worry about money.... who would pay the preacher, or the mortgage, or the utilities?"

To those who lead those churches I would ask..... "Just how would you interpret Matthew 6:26?"

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?​

People.... greedy humans.... people.... just have a horrible time believing the Power of God. It's sad for me to see that church leaders don't believe that God, who created everything, everywhere, including the very air we breathe, could manage to provide the needs of His House of Worship.



New Member
If a retail store doesn't keep its stock current and relevant..... it will go out of business.

Some churches [even the RCC IMHO] try to treat the church as a business..... The question these churches ask.... "If we don't worry about money.... who would pay the preacher, or the mortgage, or the utilities?"

To those who lead those churches I would ask..... "Just how would you interpret Matthew 6:26?"

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?​

People.... greedy humans.... people.... just have a horrible time believing the Power of God. It's sad for me to see that church leaders don't believe that God, who created everything, everywhere, including the very air we breathe, could manage to provide the needs of His House of Worship.


But people, especially Americans have no faith whatsoever in Mathew 6:26. We hoard our wealth, we scrape and save all we can and scream when the government tries to take it from us. We give the poor a small percentage of what we make, if at all and call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ even as we count our wealth.


New Member
But people, especially Americans have no faith whatsoever in Mathew 6:26. We hoard our wealth, we scrape and save all we can and scream when the government tries to take it from us. We give the poor a small percentage of what we make, if at all and call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ even as we count our wealth.

Matthew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”​

I agree with you. We're a rich country compared to the rest of the world. That's how so many churches are run by the rich.
