Even Brunnels kids...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

There was a short sports clip this AM on the tube about the soon to be released Madden 2007 video game. They talked to a couple Skins and Ravens and part of the piece was asking guys how cool it was to play themselves.

They all loved it and bragged a bit about their great games as themselves.

When they asked Brunnel about it he said "Nah, I don't play video games but my kids love it."

"Do they play daddy?"

"Nah, they always play Patrick Ramsey, always. I'm a bit upset about it..."

Cute piece!

Now where is Joe Gibbs phone number...


Brunnel kid

Larry Gude said:

There was a short sports clip this AM on the tube about the soon to be released Madden 2007 video game. They talked to a couple Skins and Ravens and part of the piece was asking guys how cool it was to play themselves.

They all loved it and bragged a bit about their great games as themselves.

When they asked Brunnel about it he said "Nah, I don't play video games but my kids love it."

"Do they play daddy?"

"Nah, they always play Patrick Ramsey, always. I'm a bit upset about it..."

Cute piece!

Now where is Joe Gibbs phone number...
WHO, BRUNNEL? :lmao: :whistle:


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
...let me fix that.

Mark Brunell


There's just so many of them, like Janikowski's and Favre's, that I can understand the confusion misspelling could cause.

I actually Googled Mark Brunnel - figuring there must be a pro bowler or turtle-racer with that spelling on the last name - nope - Google is filled with several instances of Larry's Mark Brunnel rants... :lmao:

Did Pat ever reach you about fresh plantings? :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who is Pat?

Oz said:
I actually Googled Mark Brunnel - figuring there must be a pro bowler or turtle-racer with that spelling on the last name - nope - Google is filled with several instances of Larry's Mark Brunnel rants... :lmao:

Did Pat ever reach you about fresh plantings? :confused:

...and no.

You don't mean Patt, do you?


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
...and no.

You don't mean Patt, do you?

He looked as confused as ever in that Jets uniform... I can't believe that someone who appeared to be such a stud in college is such a dud as a pro quarterback. I think the beating he took in college and under Spurrier disconnected something... :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Spurrier already proved himself...

Oz said:
At least the GameCocks have become respectable again! :ohwell:

...in college. He's a damn good coach. It's his system just doesn't translate to well to pro defenses; too much speed for his area passing schemes.