Even the Right Wing is done with the slop!


Well-Known Member
Far right wing mayor of Knox County TN has had enough of the bots and foreign mischief makers polluting the minds of Americans. He went on an epic twitter rant, I agree with him! You want to do something, pray or head down there and help! Don’t add to the lies and unrest!

That goes to many of you American hating moochers on this forum.



Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, you're a retard...
Oh yeah....FEMA IS confiscating the supplies & distributing them to Illegals, refugees, and useless Negroes...

Maybe YOU should shut your hole & take a trip down there, loser...


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, you're a retard...
Oh yeah....FEMA IS confiscating the supplies & distributing them to Illegals, refugees, and useless Negroes...

Maybe YOU should shut your hole & take a trip down there, loser...
You’ve never seen hard work, you have NO idea the amount of effort tens of thousands of hard working American’s are doing to help these folks who are facing unimaginable tragedy.

You know one emotion, venom, you’re a demon from hell.


Well-Known Member
Far right wing mayor of Knox County TN has had enough of the bots and foreign mischief makers polluting the minds of Americans. He went on an epic twitter rant, I agree with him! You want to do something, pray or head down there and help! Don’t add to the lies and unrest!

That goes to many of you American hating moochers on this forum.

The Mayor of a County .?


Well-Known Member
I can go along with this. FEMA is doing the best they can under the circumstances. This hurricane was not expected to overwhelm the areas that it did. There is a lot of misinformation being spread out there and none of it helps the people who have been devastated by this and have lost family members.

I just have one question. All the people who find this despicable, defending FEMA and calling for an end to the partisan attacks.......where were they in the days after August 29, 2005? The days after hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. All of the democrats who were around in the days and weeks after Katrina were doing the same thing now that republicans are accused of. They blamed FEMA, the Bush administration, and Bush himself. Despite the fact that there was a democratic mayor in New Orleans and a democratic governor in Louisiana both who were slow to get people out of areas that flooded even after NOAA issued the strongest warning it had ever issued saying that some areas would be uninhabitable for weeks after the storm surge. Still democrats piled on the Bush administration.

This hurricane did things unexpected even to the NWS. Some of the worst devastated areas were not expecting it. I agree that both sides should be working together and stop the partisan BS. I just find it funny that the people calling for that now were basically the same group that had no problem dishing it out back in 2005. They didn't want to hear about bipartisanship then, they were simply out to burn Bush whatever way they could. I guess what goes around comes around. And once again the people most in need of help suffer because of the very people they helped put into office. Our elected officials are in it for nothing more than themselves. That goes for both parties.


Well-Known Member
After Katrina…

“Congress passed the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 which established FEMA as a distinct agency within DHS, defined FEMA’s primary mission, and designated the FEMA Administrator as the principal advisor to the President, the Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary of Homeland Security for all matters relating to emergency management in the United States.”

This changed FEMAs role incredibly. However, states are still the first responders to disasters, for FEMA to be engaged states must request assistance. Some states are considered “Fed first” like Louisiana, they will seek a disaster declaration before the storm even hits! Other states, like Texas or Florida have significant resources to assist citizens, and don’t need federal assistance except for extreme circumstances.

NC asked for a federal disaster declaration on Sunday, only 6 days ago! Legally that is the point the federal government can start providing federal support to a state.



Well-Known Member
You’ve never seen hard work, you have NO idea the amount of effort tens of thousands of hard working American’s are doing to help these folks who are facing unimaginable tragedy.

You know one emotion, venom, you’re a demon from hell.
So...you're not only retarded...no, that's it...you're just a retard who's never seen the upstairs of your parents' home...
You're a Gov't leech and we all know it...