Event 201: Gates Foundation & WEF War Gaming the Next Pandemic


PREMO Member
Following the “simulation,” organizers published a list of seven comprehensive recommendations, which The Dossier has made available for download below.


[ link at the article ]

The notable “recommendations” included the WEF-Gates advocacy themes of centralizing authority, silencing dissent (which organizers refer to as misinformation and disinformation), and co-opting private and public power.


The record clearly demonstrates that Event 201 was not by any means an open “pandemic planning exercise” or even a wargaming event, and there are now indications that parties to the event may have had prior knowledge about a coming global shakeup.

This is only the beginning of The Dossier’s investigation into Event 201. Was the WEF-Gates production merely an impeccably timed coincidence, or are these powerful parties to the Event 201 affair hiding the truth from the public?



PREMO Member

The theme for the Davos event that year was “Globalization 4.0: Shaping A Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Why is Davos significant?

The World Economic Forum has become the go-to narrative and ideas shop for the global ruling class, weaponizing campaigns for their ideological agenda that are now advanced by the worlds most powerful individuals and organizations, through slogans and movements such as “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better,” among others. The WEF and its backers seek to impose an extremely authoritarian agenda upon humanity, under the guise of healing the planet from climate change. WEF founder Klaus Schwab has elaborated on this movement for technocratic tyranny through his recent books, such as “Covid-19 The Great Reset” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

The first person to retweet the Event 201 announcement was none other than Ronald Klain, who is currently serving as the White House chief of staff under President Joe Biden.

