eventing and bombproofing clinics!


Animal Poor!

Is this the Rick that usually does the bombproofing at AMIT? He has the huge beach balls and has most of the horses playing soccer at the end? I have pictures from a couple years ago.


New Member
any pricing info on the bomb proofing clinic? I didnt see it on any of the websites you provided.


New Member
Rick is awesome!! The bombproofing clinic at AMIT a few years back was really neat. Some of the horses thought they were going to die when they saw the set up, but almost all of them were were calmly walking over/under/through all kinds of crazy stuff by the end.

And Steuart is pretty cool too :buddies: Lincoln and I will be there!


New Member
YAY! I'm so excited and glad that the bombproofing clinic is coming back. I audited it many moons ago when it was at AMIT and am looking forward to actually riding in it this time. Just sent out a mass email to others that don't read the forums hoping they'll come too. Do we have space limitations or will there be two groups again if there is enough interest?


New Member
yay thanks ya'll!!

right now we are limited to 20 horses. one or two over wouldn't be bad. i'm not sure about two groups. i will have to see how much interest there is, but i will contemplate it.


New Member
Can the bombproofing clinic at woodbury be audited? If so, price? Do auditors have to pre register, or can they pay the day-of?


New Member
That's the 2009 schedule instead of 2010 (for all us STILL writing 2009 on our checks). I did a doubletake earlier when I read it too.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Can the bombproofing clinic at woodbury be audited? If so, price? Do auditors have to pre register, or can they pay the day-of?
Your horse (and you) get more out of it, if you actually participate. Plenty of padded clothing available to riders now a days.

:gossip: Unless of course you just want to video it for funniest home (SOMD.com) videos.


New Member
Your horse (and you) get more out of it, if you actually participate.

When I audited it several years ago I got a lot out of it without riding. I was able to take notes and then try those things at home slowly, at mine and my horse's pace. Having not done big group rides or shows, I personally wasn't ready for that type of situation.
Still haven't done group rides or shows myself, but I'm determined to throw myself in head first now (and hopefully that won't be at the hands of my horse).


Rocky Mountain High!!
When I audited it several years ago I got a lot out of it without riding. I was able to take notes and then try those things at home slowly, at mine and my horse's pace. Having not done big group rides or shows, I personally wasn't ready for that type of situation.
Still haven't done group rides or shows myself, but I'm determined to throw myself in head first now (and hopefully that won't be at the hands of my horse).
A horse will only reach the level of it's rider.

I truely believe the only thing that improves a rider's skills and ability is riding.

It's like conquering ALL the scariest rides at Kings Dominion. I didn't do that until last year, that bunji jumping thing was the last one... I finally did it (and boy it was UGLY! :lol:) but now I'll go back and do it again, without paralyzing fear. It takes a while to get to that point, but once you do, you you'll be amazed at the satisfaction you feel inside.

If you do the clinic WITH your horse, and you are successful in learning how to help your horse accept new scary things, your riding skills and confidence will move forward by huge leaps and he will be a much safer horse. :yay:


New Member
Devine- I'll PM you later, but I have 2 of my horses going for sure. Another friend is a maybe and I'm waiting to hear back from the others.

I'll be the first to admit that I stink at riding (I try hard though!) and maybe my horses might stink at it too. :shrug: I get what you're saying H-Appy, but auditing at the time was exactly what I needed (in my comfort zone, price range, and ability). I just haven't found a good "horse camp" for adults. Starting to ride as an adult has brought its challenges and there was no way you were getting me on outside of my comfort zone after I had just broken my pelvic bone from a fall off my horse. I'm finally at a different point in my life where I'm overcoming that fear. I haven't had the opportunity to put miles/hours under a saddle outside of a ring until now and I am chompin at the bit to do it! (now all that might regress if I get dumped at this clinic and then I'll need Devine to set up a conquering fear one) HA!