Ever Been to Curves...What do you think?


New Member

I'm thinking about a workout place and was considering Curves. I don't know much about it. Can anyone give me there 2 cents worth please? Also any other alternatives would be appreciated.



New Member
My cousin went to Curves in White Plains, and a girl from my office went to one as well. They both liked it. If you prefer strength training to cardio training then this is the place for you. They don't have any cardio equipment there. Of course you could always go for a walk or run when you get home. I go to Gold's gym on 301, I've been a member for a couple of years now. I like it there. Here's the link to Curves http://www.curvesinternational.com/ Hope this helps a bit :smile:


professional daydreamer
Chasey_Lane said:
09-02-2004 07:09 AM how rude! everyone isn't perfect like you-or so you think you are


Some people are so touchy. How does making cracks about what they name the place have any impact on what a person looks like? This person just admitted that she's fat. Hello? Moron? Not everyone that goes to curves is fat. But thanks for letting all the guys on the forum know that you are. See where it gets you when you take everything personally?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Just about every woman I know has at the very least, gone to one at least sometime. Every one liked it. (It also happens to be one of the fastest growing franchises in the nation). A lot of people who NEED places like Curves are intimidated by the big health spas.


Salt Life
elaine said:
Some people are so touchy. How does making cracks about what they name the place have any impact on what a person looks like? This person just admitted that she's fat. Hello? Moron? Not everyone that goes to curves is fat. But thanks for letting all the guys on the forum know that you are. See where it gets you when you take everything personally?
:yeahthat: :clap:


Salt Life
09-02-2004 07:17 AM Tsk Tsk - May you grow old and fat.

:lmao: :killingme

You're correct - I could...and? :shrug:
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Hot N Bothered

New Member
I know someone who goes and enjoys it. I went there for information and when I went back to give it a try what they told me price-wise was different than what they told me before. It was the same person and it wasn't an expired special. I slammed the door on the way out.


New Member
Hot N Bothered said:
I know someone who goes and enjoys it. I went there for information and when I went back to give it a try what they told me price-wise was different than what they told me before. It was the same person and it wasn't an expired special. I slammed the door on the way out.

Hmmm, that's interesting and a shame that happened. I have not gone there and checked the place out. I understand there is one in Charlotte Hall (which I was not aware of till website search) and one in Leonardtown. I am half way between the two so I am not sure if either is better than other.

Thanks for imput.


New Member
I would recomend talking to your doctor first, I joined curves for a while and didn't really like it. I then talked to my doctor and he recomended me just joining a gym and said that curves was more for people who were really overweight and an easy way for them to start the exercising or for people who weren't really concerned with getting toned. I wanted a little toning so I decided to join pro fitness, they offer a lot more benefits, Free child care, all kinds of areobics, cardio and weight machines and there hours are a lot more flexible. I only pay $5 more dollars a month than curves at pro fitness and in my opinion it is well worth it.


My 401K is now a 201K
As far as Curves go, I can't comment, but for plain old losing weight...anyone can do it on their own w/o paying outrageous prices. Just do situps every night before going to bed, pushups during commercials, walk the extra distance in the parking lot, eat less and basically expend more calories than you take in. Of course, it's a lot easier said than done, but I it irks me to pay someone for something I can do, or figure out,what I can do for myself. Google this ,..."get in shape"... I did and it's amazing all the free advice you can find.

It's all in the head and I'm not perfect, but if you can get into the mode, it can be done w/o high priced, pressure, gyms.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ elaine!

I am a Curves member and I absolutely love it! I go 3 - 6 times a week. It's not just for overweight women; women every shape, size, race, religion, age, etc., can be found on the Curves circuit. And EVERYONE needs to exercise; I don't care who ya are! You get a good cardio workout as well as circuit training. It's the fastest 30 minutes of my day. Everyone is friendly and you can talk to each other while you're working out. I feel so much better since I joined. I belong to the Prince Frederick Curves. They just moved to a spankin' new building behind Taco Bell and it's terrific! Tons of room and light! The staff members are wonderful; very conscientious, knowledgable and friendly! :yay: I pay $29 a month, which includes the travel pass; get one of these and go to any Curves in the country! You have to sign a one-year contract to get that price. It's a few dollars less (maybe as much as $10, can't remember) for a month-to-month contract, but you don't get the travel card with m-t-m. It's the best (and most inexpensive!!) place I've ever worked out. I've been a member at Total Fitness for Women, Olympus and Jazzercise (a few times) and Curves is the only place I've worked out faithfully. I'm hooked! One caveat: I suggest you check out a few nearby before you joined. I used my travel card at a Curves in Podunk, NC, was not as impressed. Still got a good workout, but the staff didn't seem as interested in the members.

Obviously, I give it :yay: :yay:, but whatever you decided to do, best of luck!! :biggrin:


* * * * * * * * *
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PREMO Member
Thanks but I'll pass...

The best workout I've ever gotten was right outside my front door. Beautiful scenery, no crowds, and best of all...it FREE! :yay: