Cancer isn't evil because it has no choice, for it to survive, it must do what it does to us. It has no ethical component.the people that make up a corporation, they have ethics. And I expect them to use them. People in a group can choose how to act. Cancer cells cannot. People in groups make up corporations.
I guess you've already made up your mind on this one, then. I'm not sure why you'd bother to start a thread on the question if you already know the answer.
Individuals can be ethical. We both agree on that. They can direct the affairs of a group. Individuals are then accountable for their input, but the group is not. A group is an virtual way of looking at how individuals act in concert, and individuals belong to several groups. You cannot assign blame to a group for the actions of individuals, especially if they could not in any way influence the outcome.
This kind of thinking is at the core of racism and prejudice - to assign bad things to a group as a consequence of our private experience with members of that group. People do not wake up being prejudicial, nor are they "taught" to be that way. They choose it as a reaction to their experiences. They can choose rationally, or irrationally.
I belong to Group A. Group A in another town does something terrible. What can I do about it? I can remove myself from that group as a result, but according to your reasoning, I'd still be culpable. (I don't know if you'd reach that conclusion, but it follows your line of thought) because I can't undo something that has already happened. And it's worse for me if I belong to that race, or ethnic group - because I can't undo that. People want to blame all Muslims or Arabs for terrorism, but an individual Arab or Muslim can't change who they are. He can't change his ethnicity.
If individuals in a war commit war crimes against the direction of their superiors, they are accountable for their evil, because they have a conscience. If they were doing as they were told, they are still accountable, because they have a conscience, but those in charge of them are also - individually - accountable.
The group is not, even if every single member were a part of a bad thing. They are individually responsible for their actions in something, which is how we deal with these things legally. We don't punish the group for something its leadership did, but we do punish individuals if they contributed. If we did, we would have treated every single person in Nazi Germany the same as the concentration camp guards and had the nation executed.
If a corporation had no members - could it be evil? What if it only had one? Is the corporation evil, or its one member? If it had ten million, are they all evil, or just the ones that commit evil? What if one person represented the sole member of two corporations - could one be evil, and the other, not? What if ten people formed a gang of thieves and cutthroats - but also privately ran a soup kitchen? Is one group evil, and the other, good? What of the persons, then?
I disagree with your conclusion. People can be evil - things cannot.