EX Girlfriend calls old beau 77,000 times in 1 week


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
She gets an A for effort.

A New Mexico woman was finally arrested this morning by officers of the Albuquerque Police Department in what could be the most extreme case of stalking ever recorded in the history of the country. The 28-year old woman allegedly not only called her ex-lover a formidable 77 639 times in a week, but also sent him 1937 emails, 41 229 text messages, 217 sung messages and 647 letters in the same period. - See more at: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/usa...-77-000-times-in-a-week/#sthash.cJiNCMFY.dpuf



Active Member
QUOTE=DoWhat;5405599]She should of just blew him a couple times.[/QUOTE]

...or made hime 77,639 sammiches.:snacks:[
Ha! Women be clingy man.

But seriously, as Dakota suggested the math doesn't work. And then you consider the source. Over the years I've followed a number of links to World Net Daily pieces (I don't know, maybe a dozen or so). I can say that I've never read a piece on their site that wasn't horse#### in some way - made up stuff, cutesy phrasing trying to make you think that something that wasn't even close to true was true, extraordinary spin, just horse####. I'd guess some of the stuff they post is legit, but I can't take any of it seriously because my experience with the site suggests that a large portion of it is not.

So... I wouldn't take this story at face value. I wouldn't take it at face value even if it was coming from someone else, but it being from WND makes be think it's even less likely to be close to something true. I suspect their business model probably leans heavily on the intention to create as much crazy link bait as they can. Other sites do the same, but WND seems to me to be toward the worse end of the spectrum. I bet this story turns out to be bull.

Okay, that's probably not such an astute observation. :smile:

EDIT: I just realized that link in the OP doesn't go to World Net Daily, it goes to a site called World News Daily Report. I guess, but don't know, that that's an entirely different entity. My mistake. So what I had to say about World Net Daily isn't necessarily relevant here.
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Well-Known Member
Was This Woman Really Arrested For Calling Her Ex-Boyfriend 77,639 in 1 Week?

Inquistr did a little digging and discovered that the distraught woman in the mug shot is reportedly an Oklahoma City woman named Cierra Reed. According to News OK, she was arrested in 2010 after she reportedly crawled through a McDonald's drive-through window when she was asked to pay for her order.
It's not 77,639 phone calls, but it probably wasn't her proudest moment.
But back to the hoax.
The bizarre report garnered a great deal of attention, presumably due to the specific details, including the claims that Murphy (Reed?) would use up to three phones a day to call her ex, whom she was said to have dated for just three weeks. She was also accused of taking large amounts of amphetamines and drinking countless energy drinks in order to remain awake to call her former flame.
Considering there are only 10,080 minutes in one week, this story is virtually impossible (no matter how crazy a girl can get).
But hey, for a minute, we bet you felt better about your drunk dialing days.
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Active Member
That is a lot of sammiches to eat.
Her fingers are probably falling off from all the messaging she's done. So no Sammies for you! Not to mention the sore throat she has from singing. Need I say what else is out of the picture? :eyebrow: