Ex Harvard prof suggest defunding ethnic & racial study programs


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
While these quotes are from a few years ago, I just recently discovered some of this man's writings and works.

Peterson said he thought college campuses were “overrun, in large part, with disciplines that have, in my estimation, no valid reason to exist.”

“I think disciplines like women’s studies should be defunded,” he said. “We’re causing full time, destructive employment for people who are causing nothing but trouble. What they promote has zero intellectual credibility.”

Drawing Criticism, Jordan Peterson Lectures at ‘Free Speech’ Initiative | News | The Harvard Crimson (thecrimson.com)

Psychology professor Jordan Peterson's stated plan to build a website aimed at reducing enrolment in university classes he calls "indoctrination cults" has drawn the ire of his University of Toronto colleagues, who say it will make them the target of harassment.

Peterson says he wants to use artificial intelligence to scour university curriculums for what he "calls post-modern neo-Marxist course content."

"Women's studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groups, man, those things have to go and the faster they go the better," he said. "It would have been better if they had never been part of the university to begin with as far as I can tell."

"Sociology, that's corrupt. Anthropology, that's corrupt. English literature, that's corrupt. Maybe the worse offenders are the faculties of education."

U of T profs alarmed by Jordan Peterson's plan to target classes he calls 'indoctrination cults' | CBC Radio