Ex-Terrorists to Address USAF Academy


New Member
Below is a copy of Press release that hits the wires in the morning.

This is a very important development in our quest to overcome political correctness.


THREE Former Terrorists Invited By US Air Force Academy to Speak about Their experiences

They have practiced hatred against Christians, Jews and Americans! They have rioted, bombed and maimed! One of them actually killed 223 Arabs in gang warfare. They have recruited and trained others to hate! They have been part of sleeper cells in the USA, while hiding among us!

The Air Force academy has invited Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani to address their annual political forum held at the US Air Force Academy during the first week of February so that the cadets can understand the mindset of terrorists in our war on terror. The Three Former Terrorists will make their addresses at different times during the day of February 6th 2008.

“We are delighted that the United States Air Force has recognized the brave
stand that these men take in educating the American people on the real causes of terrorism. The fact that the Academy has invited our speakers is an important step as to understanding the issue of terrorism and the issues surrounding the problems of the Middle East.” says Keith Davies, the director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation.


Below is a copy of Press release that hits the wires in the morning.

This is a very important development in our quest to overcome political correctness.


THREE Former Terrorists Invited By US Air Force Academy to Speak about Their experiences

They have practiced hatred against Christians, Jews and Americans! They have rioted, bombed and maimed! One of them actually killed 223 Arabs in gang warfare. They have recruited and trained others to hate! They have been part of sleeper cells in the USA, while hiding among us!

The Air Force academy has invited Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani to address their annual political forum held at the US Air Force Academy during the first week of February so that the cadets can understand the mindset of terrorists in our war on terror. The Three Former Terrorists will make their addresses at different times during the day of February 6th 2008.

“We are delighted that the United States Air Force has recognized the brave
stand that these men take in educating the American people on the real causes of terrorism. The fact that the Academy has invited our speakers is an important step as to understanding the issue of terrorism and the issues surrounding the problems of the Middle East.” says Keith Davies, the director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation.

I don’t think this has anything to do with political correctness. These are “former” terrorists. This can serve as a foundation for providing vital information to our future officers on how to deal with this enemy both militarily and politically/socially. With all the hoopla about how we don’t make enough effort to understand their hatred toward us, when we actually have an opportunity to, I think we should take it.

As much as I despise this enemy we are fighting, I do believe in redemption and change. I would think you would too. Another way to look at this is perhaps these guys represent a small crowd that is beginning to see the error of their ways. Once we can give these people a taste of democracy and our way of life they might just realize there is more out there than just hate and killing.


New Member
Just out of curiosity, why did you put this in the religion section?

Walid Shoebat converted to Christianity and has a great testimony of how his hatred and contempt toward Israel has turned to love and compassion for Jews and all people. He states that his conversion brought him to the realization that the Islamic "Mahdi" whom he once believed to be the Messianic Saviour is the antichrist that the Bible mentions in the Book of Revelation. There are some enlightening 10-minute segments on YouTube that are worth listening to if you have a chance.

YouTube - Prophecy 101: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 1)


New Member
Perhaps I read this wrong:

I took it as though you thought this was another example of political correctness gone wrong.

Sorry about the wording. Actually, while politically correct politicians in our government keep insisting that Islam is a "peaceful religion" and that "Islam means peace" the Air Force Academy wants to hear first-hand from those who have converted away from Islam and who tell a very real and different story about the fundamental ideology that they had been indoctrinated with.

The politically correct message would be to continue telling our armed forces that we are just in a "war against terror." Instead, the former Muslims and ex-terrorists have been conducting speaking tours and warning Americans that it is in fact the Fundamental Islamic ideology that incites Jihad against non-Muslims and non-Islamic societies. They should know - they were once engaged in Jihad but had a change of heart that brought about their decisions to leave Islam. That's what it will take for Fundamental Jihadists to stop hating Jews, Christians, apostate Muslims and Western Civilization; a change of heart.

I hope you had a chance to listen to Walid Shoebat's testimony on YouTube.

How Islam fits in Bible Prophecy

Part 1: (approx. 10 minutes)

YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 1)

Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim and ex-terrorist, tells of his conversion to Christianity and also describes the prophetic role that Islam plays in the end-times. The continuing segments can be selected after part 1 is finished and also just by clicking the following links. Each segment is about 8 to 10 minutes in length and quite interesting to hear.

Part 2: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 2)

Part 3: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 3)

Part 4: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 4)

Part 5: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 5)

Part 6: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 6)

Part 7: YouTube - Prophecy 101: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 7)

Part 8: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 8)

Part 9: YouTube - Prophecy 101: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 9)

Part: 10 YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 10)

Part 11: YouTube - Prophecy: Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (Part 11)


New Member
This is a follow-up to original post:

Muslim Student Threatens Former Terrorist's Life at Air Force Academy Event
February 8, 2008

Muslim Student Threatens Former Terrorist's Life at Air Force Academy Even

Former terrorists Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani addressed cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, during their annual political forum. They shared their experiences as terrorists and helped cadets understand the Islamic fundamentalist mind set.

During the event a Jordanian college student, identified as Omar Khalifa of Metro International, approached Kamal Saleem and spoke to him in Arabic, "you are an enemy of Islam and you must die." The incident was reported to Military Police, who investigated Khalifa's threat.

"The men receive threats of this nature all of time and we take each one very seriously," said Keith Davies, Executive Director of the Shoebat Foundation. "That is why each of the men live in seclusion."


Ubi bene ibi patria
Another perspective.....

Speakers at Academy Said to Make False Claims

"The Air Force Academy was criticized by Muslim and religious freedom organizations for playing host on Wednesday to three speakers who critics say are evangelical Christians falsely claiming to be former Muslim terrorists.

The three men were invited as part of a weeklong conference on terrorism organized by cadets at the academy’s Colorado Springs campus under the auspices of the political science department.

The three will be paid a total of $13,000 for their appearance, some of it from private donors, said Maj. Brett Ashworth, a spokesman for the academy.

The three were invited because “they offered a unique perspective from inside terrorism,” Major Ashworth said. The conference is to result in a report on methods to combat terrorism that will be sent to the Pentagon, members of Congress and other influential officials, he added.

Members of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group suing the federal government to combat what it calls creeping evangelism in the armed forces, said it was typical of the Air Force Academy to invite born-again Christians to address cadets on terrorism rather than experts who could teach students about the Middle East."

"Academic professors and others who have heard the three men speak in the United States and Canada said some of their stories border on the fantastic, like Mr. Saleem’s account of how, as a child, he infiltrated Israel to plant bombs via a network of tunnels underneath the Golan Heights. No such incidents have been reported, the academic experts said. They also question how three middle-aged men who claim they were recruited as teenagers or younger could have been steeped in the violent religious ideology that only became prevalent in the late 1980s."



New Member
Another perspective.....

Speakers at Academy Said to Make False Claims

"The Air Force Academy was criticized by Muslim and religious freedom organizations for playing host on Wednesday to three speakers who critics say are evangelical Christians falsely claiming to be former Muslim terrorists.

The three men were invited as part of a weeklong conference on terrorism organized by cadets at the academy’s Colorado Springs campus under the auspices of the political science department.

The three will be paid a total of $13,000 for their appearance, some of it from private donors, said Maj. Brett Ashworth, a spokesman for the academy.

The three were invited because “they offered a unique perspective from inside terrorism,” Major Ashworth said. The conference is to result in a report on methods to combat terrorism that will be sent to the Pentagon, members of Congress and other influential officials, he added.

Members of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group suing the federal government to combat what it calls creeping evangelism in the armed forces, said it was typical of the Air Force Academy to invite born-again Christians to address cadets on terrorism rather than experts who could teach students about the Middle East."

"Academic professors and others who have heard the three men speak in the United States and Canada said some of their stories border on the fantastic, like Mr. Saleem’s account of how, as a child, he infiltrated Israel to plant bombs via a network of tunnels underneath the Golan Heights. No such incidents have been reported, the academic experts said. They also question how three middle-aged men who claim they were recruited as teenagers or younger could have been steeped in the violent religious ideology that only became prevalent in the late 1980s."


The perspective is to recognize that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whenever any former Muslim speaks about what they were taught regarding Jihad and hatred toward Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims, you will find other Muslims and Islamic public-relations groups who protest and attempt to discredit the "apostates".

Take it for what it is worth here. Knowing what the Qur'an and Ahadith state about Jihad against all non-Muslims has always been fundamental since Muhammad introduced the ideology of Jihad in the year 622 and was definitely prevalent way before the 1980s. Else there never would have been reactionary developments of the Crusades if Islam was truly a peaceful and tolerant religion.


New Member
The perspective is to recognize that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whenever any former Muslim speaks about what they were taught regarding Jihad and hatred toward Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims, you will find other Muslims and Islamic public-relations groups who protest and attempt to discredit the "apostates".

Take it for what it is worth here. Knowing what the Qur'an and Ahadith state about Jihad against all non-Muslims has always been fundamental since Muhammad introduced the ideology of Jihad in the year 622 and was definitely prevalent way before the 1980s. Else there never would have been reactionary developments of the Crusades if Islam was truly a peaceful and tolerant religion.

i thought it was the christians who Crusaded ... :confused:


New Member
i thought it was the christians who Crusaded ... :confused:


To get out from under Islamic control. Not very "Christian" of course but it was a matter of survival: Choice was to either convert to Islam or be killed for not professing Muhammad was the last and final prophet whose authority superceded that of Yeshua. (Yeshua would not have called for retaliation but to have His followers know that they would be killed for their faith. Such was the fate of the early disciples and Apostles who did not resist or retaliate but died at the hands of their persecutors.)

The Inquisitions were approved by the Vatican to reinstate Roman Catholicism as the world religion and whereby Muslims, Jews, Protestant and Evangelical Christians were slaughtered for not submitting to the Vatican-led RC faith.

There are many who continue to believe that Roman Catholicism is representative of the True Christian faith; it is not. Fact is, the Vatican continues to insist it is the only true church on earth and that the pope is the only one who speaks for God.
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New Member
revisionist history. i mean the christians had to travel just to get to the crusades.......

Yep - Exactly! Kinda like traveling to Germany to free Europe from the threat of global Nazi control; kinda like traveling to the Pacific Islands and Japan to end the global threat of Japanese Imperialism and kinda like traveling to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight an ideology on their turf which wants to replace Western/secular/Judeo-Christian societies.

Now you get the picture - I hope.


New Member
Yep - Exactly! Kinda like traveling to Germany to free Europe from the threat of global Nazi control; kinda like traveling to the Pacific Islands and Japan to end the global threat of Japanese Imperialism and kinda like traveling to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight an ideology on their turf which wants to replace Western/secular/Judeo-Christian societies.

Now you get the picture - I hope.

i get the picture, you are a bigoted idiot that thinks muslims are the booggie man.

funny you ignore the fact that the intent of the crusades was to stomp out another religion.
keep up the revisionist history, just like you claim hitler wasn't a christian



New Member
i get the picture, you are a bigoted idiot that thinks muslims are the booggie man.

funny you ignore the fact that the intent of the crusades was to stomp out another religion.
keep up the revisionist history, just like you claim hitler wasn't a christian


The Roman Catholic Church certainly looked the other way and Hitler's army included two divisions that were Islamic; a gathering of those who wanted to see the extermination of Jewish people by all possible means including the Holocaust. Or, do you believe that to be made up and didn't occur as Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims (while he calls for Israel to be wiped off the map).


New Member
It Could Never Happen Hear.... Really?

Below is a copy of Press release that hits the wires in the morning.

This is a very important development in our quest to overcome political correctness.


IslamaFascism has taken over more than one country changing there government and their whole way of life one Middle eastern county want from a democracy to an islamic state without seeing it coming. England now thinks there government has been infiltrated.
Revealed: Islamist extremists have penetrated the heart of Britain| News | This is London

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EEeRY_07EzY&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EEeRY_07EzY&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Check out this Dude he lays it all out! If you read or listen to nothing else check this out.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GOfU7wskFdg&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GOfU7wskFdg&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

England is non trying to figure out how Sharia law can coexsist as Sharia courts have already been set up!

FOXNews.com - Report: Sharia Courts Already Operating in England - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Two governments in one country can not exsist!
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