Excellent column by Mitch Albom


Super Genius
That was good :yay:

I noticed this line:
"Liberals see conservatives and fear they want the whole country to look like "Leave It to Beaver."

What would be wrong with that?


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
What would be wrong with that?
Maybe his point was that "Leave It to Beaver" was make-believe, a vision of life in an America that only existed in the minds of TV scriptwriters. The movie "Pleasantville" is based on the same argument.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I noticed this line:
"Liberals see conservatives and fear they want the whole country to look like "Leave It to Beaver."

What would be wrong with that?
Beat me to it. :lol:

Good column. :yay:


What's so great about it? It's an article that attempts to make a point about how generalizations are bad, while using generalizations to make the point. I for one am getting awfully tired of pinheads like this telling me how I think or feel about things. They are completely clueless.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
What's so great about it?
Well, I think the point is that, while there are a few fringers on both sides of the political aisle, freaking out over them is counter-productive to us all holding hands and singing Kumbaya. The writer's summation wasn't all that, but I thought he was trying to say that we're having a culture war in our country and forgetting that we're all supposed to be on the same team.

Of course, I blame the Democrats for this...


Larry Gude

Strung Out
That article is total wish wash crap...

...Mitch Albom appears to live in that tourtured nether world where making judgments is considered bad and therefore he is not capable of making good ones.

One can pick each and every one of his phantoms and explain it enough that a 13 year old could make a simple, educated choice.

A rather large one: Conservative white people do NOT fear minorites AT ALL. Cuban Americans have been GOP mainstays for over 30 years and the Hispanic vote, as I pointed out elsewhere helped decide the election this year in favor of W. The GOP has been trying for decades to appeal to blacks more but, if you favor Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton you will simply never vote GOP.

That plus minorites have, for the first time ever, played key, central roles in the highest levels of our government...chosen by a white guy, a conservative white guy. In fact the race baiters on the left got all bent out of shape when Condi made a campaign appearance. Can't have people knowing there is a black FEMALE in power in a GOP cabinet now can we?

Clarence Thomas was not picked by some all feeling and compassionate Democrat.

On and on.

Mitch is full of fears, not the rest of us.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
...Mitch Albom appears to live in that tourtured nether world where making judgments is considered bad and therefore he is not capable of making good ones.
My answer is that we should judge people's actions but not the worth of the people themselves. Otherwise, we could end up arguing that people aren't allowed to make mistakes or to learn from those mistakes. As a parent, I choose not to expose my children to some of my relatives, not because those relatives are "bad people" but because they do things that hurt my children emotionally.

Sorry if that reasoning is too :offtopic:...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Conservative white people do NOT fear minorites AT ALL.
I actually know, personally, a few people that are afraid black people are taking over American culture. Of course, most of these people are Democrats but that's beside the point. And we know people right here on the forums that think gays are trying to indoctrinate our youth.

And while there ARE some black activist groups that want to kill whitey, and there ARE some gay activist groups that want to convert our sons and daughters, I believe those are the fringers, not the norm.

These folks that jump up and down, screaming and hating, are the ones that get all the media play. Therefore people like my grandmother, who doesn't know any gay people in real life, think that all gays are these Queer Nation militants and all blacks are chain wearing thugs who shoot each other in nightclubs.

I think the media is responsible for a lot of our cultural biases and bigotries. It's the way many Americans get their worldview, since most people surround themselves with people who are just like them and don't get to see how other people live in real life. So if the the media would show various factions as they really are, instead of sensationalizing them for ratings, I think we'd see some different attitudes.

I know black people who think all whites are KKK members. Gays who think all heteros are homophobes. Where do they get these ideas, if not the media?


vraiblonde said:
I actually know, personally, a few people that are afraid black people are taking over American culture. Of course, most of these people are Democrats but that's beside the point.

Well, if they take over the culture, the Democrats will lose a large percentage of their victims to manipulate...........then they'd be left with only the elderly to scare into voting for them. :ohwell: