Excerpts from the Survival of New Orleans blog


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Anarchy is starting in New Orleans.

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

2:15 am
[size=+1][size=+1]Getting Some Rest[/size][/size][size=+1][size=+1]
[size=+1][size=+1] It's been a very long day. I'm going to crash for a bit and try to get 5 hours or so of sleep. I apologize again that I cannot respond to each IM. I am trying. We've got that IRC channel going and I'll try to get in there for a while later in the day.

I am going to debrief the police officer completely in the morning. He was utterly fatigued, thirsty, and wanted to find out what the hell was really going on.

Security has become a major concern now, because the NOPD is ineffective and the looters terrorists are roaming the streets. Word is now that they're lighting buildings on fire, but I can't confirm that. Anyway, we have to run guard shifts and patrol and it limits our downtime.

It is a zoo out there though, make no mistake. It's the wild kingdom. It's Lord of the Flies. That doesn't mean there's murder on every street corner. But what it does mean is that the rule of law has collapsed, that there is no order, and that property rights cannot and are not being enforced. Anyone who is on the streets is in immediate danger of being robbed and killed. It's that bad.

I will be back on around 0700 or so I think.

Team SOTI signing off. Will leave the cam on.

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[/size]1:43 am
[size=+1][size=+1]New Pictures Up[/size][/size][size=+1][size=+1]
[/size][/size][size=-1](25 Comments |Comment on this)

12:35 am
[size=+1][size=+1]Outpost Crystal's Police Officer[/size][/size][size=+1][size=+1]
[size=+1][size=+1] More from the Police Officer. I'm typing as fast as i can while he talks to us:
He's only hearing bits and pieces. The people in the city are shooting at the police. They're upset that they're not getting help quickly enough. The fireman keep calling because they're under fire. He doesn't understand why the people are shooting at the rescuers. Here it is 5 days ago the Mayor said get out of town and nobody went and now they're pissed.

The National Guard was at the Hilton, but now the Hilton is evacuated. When they said the CBD was gonna get 6 feet of water, it seems like everyone evacuated.

He turned the corner onto Canal Street and it looked like a flea market. People breaking into every store, going to the neutral gound (median) and trading and selling everything.

They broke into Winn Dixie Monday Night. Do they steal food? No. Cigarettes and liquor. Store was a mess. All the meats were going to waste so the districts went over there to salvage food for officers. Many cops have been eating MREs.

The Iberville Housing Projects got pissed off because the police started to "shop" after they kicked out looters. Then they started shooting at cops. When the cops left, the looters looted everything. There's probably not a grocery left in this city.

Over 30 officers have quit over the last 3 days. Out of 160 officers in his district maybe 55 or 60 are working. He hasn't seen several since Sunday. HQ is closed, evacuated. No phones to contact them.

"HQ, be advised, we're going 10 7."

"Ok, y'all coming back on???"

"We don't know."


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Wow, that is shocking and sobering. My heart goes out to the law enforcement officers who are trying their best but are sorely outnumbered and outmanned. "Lord of the Flies" indeed. :frown:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Homesick said:

2A, curious...what are your thoughts on all of this?
The breakdown of control, i.e., police, has allowed the breakdown of moral fiber of the people to surface. The people who would normally obey the law are, but those that would not normally obey the law are now free to do as they will. Those that normally obey the law need to defend themselves and protect their own because the illusion that someone could protect them is gone. If they cannot protect themselves, they become prey.

This is a prime example of why concealed carry should be the national law without local exception. It is also a prime example why every household should have at least one weapon and someone who knows how to use it. The bad guys have them no matter what the law says. The good guys need to have them when authority breaks down or is not available.
2ndAmendment said:
If they cannot protect themselves, they become prey.

This is a prime example of why concealed carry should be the national law without local exception. It is also a prime example why every household should have at least one weapon and someone who knows how to use it. The bad guys have them no matter what the law says. The good guys need to have them when authority breaks down or is not available.
Thanks 2A, I was wondering when the issue of CCW was going to come up. I couldn't even imagine not being w/out a weapon and being able to defend myself and my family especially when it comes down to their (the bad guy's) life or my own.

jazz lady said:
Wow, that is shocking and sobering. My heart goes out to the law enforcement officers who are trying their best but are sorely outnumbered and outmanned. "Lord of the Flies" indeed. :frown:
I know I couldn't imagine what it is like down there for them, to try to help and to get shot at totally defies all logic.
Last edited:


New Orleans is (was) a big metropolitan city, complete with gangs, poor people, etc... I just can't believe the morals of the whole place! I can't even imagine what a stranded tourist must feel like! I haven't heard any news of the people of Biloxi and Gulfport acting so foolishly, and that's great. I'm glad some people can still be neighborly in the face of this destruction.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rdonthehd said:
New Orleans is (was) a big metropolitan city, complete with gangs, poor people, etc... I just can't believe the morals of the whole place! I can't even imagine what a stranded tourist must feel like! I haven't heard any news of the people of Biloxi and Gulfport acting so foolishly, and that's great. I'm glad some people can still be neighborly in the face of this destruction.
I was in Mobile, Al when Camile hit in 1969. It was terrible. But there was no anarchy or looting. My cousin had just moved from Gulfport; the trailer she had just sold was completely destroyed. Except for the casinos and the "come heres", the Mississippi coast is inhabited by "good old boys" that just pitch in and help each other when times are tough. At least that was my experience.


2ndAmendment said:
The breakdown of control, i.e., police, has allowed the breakdown of moral fiber of the people to surface. The people who would normally obey the law are, but those that would not normally obey the law are now free to do as they will. Those that normally obey the law need to defend themselves and protect their own because the illusion that someone could protect them is gone. If they cannot protect themselves, they become prey.

This is a prime example of why concealed carry should be the national law without local exception. It is also a prime example why every household should have at least one weapon and someone who knows how to use it. The bad guys have them no matter what the law says. The good guys need to have them when authority breaks down or is not available.



Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
The breakdown of control, i.e., police, has allowed the breakdown of moral fiber of the people to surface. The people who would normally obey the law are, but those that would not normally obey the law are now free to do as they will. Those that normally obey the law need to defend themselves and protect their own because the illusion that someone could protect them is gone. If they cannot protect themselves, they become prey.

This is a prime example of why concealed carry should be the national law without local exception. It is also a prime example why every household should have at least one weapon and someone who knows how to use it. The bad guys have them no matter what the law says. The good guys need to have them when authority breaks down or is not available.


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
The breakdown of control, i.e., police, has allowed the breakdown of moral fiber of the people to surface. The people who would normally obey the law are, but those that would not normally obey the law are now free to do as they will. Those that normally obey the law need to defend themselves and protect their own because the illusion that someone could protect them is gone. If they cannot protect themselves, they become prey.

This is a prime example of why concealed carry should be the national law without local exception. It is also a prime example why every household should have at least one weapon and someone who knows how to use it. The bad guys have them no matter what the law says. The good guys need to have them when authority breaks down or is not available.

Agree. Well written.

What's taking place is a lesson, an awakening. I have never been against people having guns. I haven't any weapons (a lady here) but now have this overwhelming urge/desire/need to stroke some metal.

Haven't a clue though what kind of weapons I should invest in.
Homesick said:
Agree. Well written.

What's taking place is a lesson, an awakening. I have never been against people having guns. I haven't any weapons (a lady here) but now have this overwhelming urge/desire/need to stroke some metal.

Haven't a clue though what kind of weapons I should invest in.
I think that my husband was surprised at how much I enjoy shooting and that I don't feel safe in a house without a gun. If you aren't used to shooting a gun I would start with a .22, something that doesn't have much kick. I love shooting my .380, but then again I don't mind the kick. (it's a tiny mouse gun)


Super Genius
Homesick said:
Haven't a clue though what kind of weapons I should invest in.
Simple...one of each :biggrin:

Seriously though, it depends on what you want to do. I like target shooting (although I don't get to do it much). I have a pistol for short range target shooting, a shotgun for skeet, and I just got my new rifle for long range shooting. I'm also a believer in getting "common" stuff (both guns and ammo). So, for pistols, 9mm and 45s are probably most common. I got a Beretta 92FS (very common in law enforcement and military, 9mm ammo). Also look at 1911 handguns if you want 45 ammo. For shotgun, 12ga is the standard and pumps are the most reliable, so I got a Remington 870 (one of if not the most common shotgun). For rifle, I'd say 30-06 or 308 are most common (but I'm not positive about that). I went with 308 since it is very close to the 7.62 NATO round and they can be used in a pinch. I got a Reminton 700 bolt action rifle which is one of the most common rifles and very reliable and accurate.
so you think the unfortunate dane prince from shakespeare’s macbeth had trouble?

minor stuff, lads, compared to what is showing up on the AP and CNN today.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

it would seem that if this administration does not take heed of the following paragraph (from the associated press), and turn public opinon within 72 hours, the bush administration might as well pack up and leave washington next week.<o:p></o:p>

FROM THE AP WIRES:<o:p></o:p>

“You can do everything for other countries but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can’t get them down here.” perhaps an e-mailer to CNN said it best, “Where is Rudy Guilliani when we need him.”<o:p></o:p>



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Homesick said:

What's taking place is a lesson, an awakening. I have never been against people having guns. I haven't any weapons (a lady here) but now have this overwhelming urge/desire/need to stroke some metal.

Haven't a clue though what kind of weapons I should invest in.
Do you live in Southern Maryland? There are a couple of members only ranges and a public range or two within driving distance.

I, too, would suggest starting with something easy to handle. A Ruger Mark III .22 pistol to start. It is not a self defense gun, but it will get you started. Then I suggest a Glock, Ruger, or Smith & Wesson in .40 S&W. It is the same caliber that the FBI uses. More power than a 9mm. A 9mm will not go through a windshield on a car. Police use them to limit innocent bystander damage. The 9mm does not have the penetration or knock down power of a 40 S&W and the 40 S&W does not kick as hard as a .45 ACP or .45 GAP. For a rifle for a lady, I would suggest a .223; either a Ruger Mini-14 or an AR-15; easy to shoot with little kick. A .308 or .30-06 will kick you into the next county. A Bushmaster AR-15 is a very reliable rifle. You can't go wrong with a Remington 870 12 gauge for a shotgun.

Don't buy anything without shooting it or one like it! Get training and practice often. My wife and I go to the range about once a week.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
CableChick said:
minor stuff, lads, compared to what is showing up on the AP and CNN today.<o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p>
Consider the source ... CNN - AP ... and their audiences. :dork:


If you're going to invest in a gun for home defense, I wouldn't suggest starting with a .22. It's kinda like being 20 and learning to ride a bike by starting with a tricycle. I would suggest a .38 Special revolver with a 2" barrel. They are compact, easily hides most anywhere (including your purse if you're in the "Judged By 12 Vice Carried By 6" crowd), the recoil is easy on the paws and the gun is "point and shoot" and doesn't require mastering safeties, slides, slide locks, mag releases, etc. Once you get over any issues with loud bangs and staying on target, you can move up to a pistol with a better caliber (I prefer .40 myself.)

Do not mess with rifles, especially high-power ones like AR-15s, until you've got the whole shooting thing down, and do not use one for home defense. They are too powerful for use in the home, and you don't want to be swinging around a long-barrelled gun if you're going from room to room. Lastly you need to also contend with muzzle flash and deafening booms from these rifles... something else you don't really need when confronting a stranger at night. I've gotten three AR-15s (one AR-15A2, one M-4A1, and one CAR-15 configuation) since I moved here and I love shooting them at the range, but I keep a Beretta Model 96FS loaded up for home defense and my wife has a Rossi .38 Special revolver with concealed hammer and 2" barrel that resides in her purse. I doubt we'll ever need to use them, but just in case...

I've found that the best use for a .22 is to have something to shoot at the range that's dirt cheap to fire once your expensive ammo gets used up.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
If you're going to invest in a gun for home defense, I wouldn't suggest starting with a .22.

I've found that the best use for a .22 is to have something to shoot at the range that's dirt cheap to fire once your expensive ammo gets used up.
I agree, the 22 is for learning, not home defense. I disagree with starting with a light .38; it is a great concealed carry weapon, but the recoil is still substantial for someone who has never shot a gun in my opinion. But everyone has their own druthers.
2ndAmendment said:
The CNN and AP audiences are predominately liberal. If the shoe fits ....

How about we try another word....


I didn't know that depending upon what party you were affiliated with that you were restricted to only certain news media.
