Governor EXCERPTS: Governor Larry Hogan Delivers 2020 State of the State Address


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Today at noon, Governor Larry Hogan will deliver the 2020 State of the State address to the members of the Maryland General Assembly. The address will be broadcast live on Maryland Public Television, as well as the governor’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

Following are excerpts from the address:

“Five years ago, during my first Inaugural Address, I said that the politics that have divided our nation need not divide our state, and I asked all Marylanders to seek that middle ground where we could all stand together. And while Washington seems to be more bitterly divided than ever, here in Maryland we have faced our challenges with civility and moderation. We have continued to put the people’s priorities ahead of partisan politics, and we worked together to achieve real, bipartisan, common sense solutions that worked for the people we serve.”

“Maryland has indeed been setting a shining example for the rest of America. And as we embrace the promise of this new decade, we have a renewed opportunity to meet the challenges that lie ahead by continuing on that path, and by being accountable to the people who sent us here.”

“Under this plan, retirees making $50,000 or less, who are often forced to make tough choices every single day just to make ends meet, will pay no state income tax whatsoever. And all retirees earning less than $100,000 will see a tax reduction of no less than 50% and up to 100%. This is the largest tax reduction in Maryland in more than two decades. It will provide tax relief for more than 230,000 Marylanders and will help keep tens of thousands of Maryland retirees from fleeing our state.”

“I stand here today ready and willing to continue working alongside you to ensure that every single child in our state has access to a great education, regardless of what neighborhood they happen to grow up in. But instead of continuing to simply debate how much more we should spend, let’s have productive discussions about how we can hold local school systems accountable for the billions of state tax dollars we are already investing, and let’s make sure those dollars are getting into the classrooms where they belong. Our bipartisan efforts should have one simple goal, and that is achieving better results for Maryland’s children.”

“People are being shot every single day in Baltimore City. This is an urgent crisis, and we have an obligation to do something about it right now. There can be no more excuses and no more delays. The time has come for Baltimore City to finally take back its streets and communities once and for all, and they simply cannot do it without decisive action from this General Assembly.”

“Our nation appears hopelessly and bitterly divided. Just 30 miles down the road in Washington, both parties seem to be consumed with partisanship and dysfunction. But as I look back at all we have been through and all the progress that we have made together here in Maryland over these last five years, my experiences do not burden me with dread— they fill me with hope. And I believe that in spite of all that divides us in America today, there is far more that unites us. And as America searches for healing and a path forward, let them look to us.”
