Executive Experience


Habari Na Mijeldi
Executive Experience, By Hilzoy - CBS News

On the McCain Report, Michael Goldfarb writes that Sarah Palin "has more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden put together", a point that, by some strange coincidence, has popped up all over the conservative blogs. I think that the idea that Palin has an advantage over Obama in this area is completely wrong.

When this campaign started, one of my biggest questions about Barack Obama was whether he would be any good at managing things. The President is, after all, the head of a very large organization, and he had better either have good management skills or hire a chief of staff who does. The fact that I didn't know whether Obama had them didn't prevent me from voting for him -- none of the other candidates I might have supported had a track record in management either -- but I would have been happier had I known whether Obama was any good at running things.

I don't have that problem any more. Obama has spent the past year and a half running a large organization -- as of last December, it had "about 500 employees and a budget of $100 million" -- and running it very well. It's not just that he and his team beat the Clinton campaign, which started out with enormous advantages. It's not even that he often did so by building effective political machines from scratch in states in which Clinton had locked down the political establishment. It's that every account of the Obama campaign that I've read makes it clear that he has done an outstanding job of constructing and running a political organization. For instance, this account of Obama's campaign is very much worth reading, if you want to get a sense of how he runs things:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
So what the article is saying is that running a presidential campaign should be likened to running a state. Interesting.


I don't have that problem any more. Obama has spent the past year and a half running a large organization -- as of last December, it had "about 500 employees and a budget of $100 million"
Cool and the State of Alaske has 8,500 employees and a state budget of $12.3 billion led by Governor Palin.


New Member
Executive Experience, By Hilzoy - CBS News

On the McCain Report, Michael Goldfarb writes that Sarah Palin "has more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden put together", a point that, by some strange coincidence, has popped up all over the conservative blogs. I think that the idea that Palin has an advantage over Obama in this area is completely wrong.

When this campaign started, one of my biggest questions about Barack Obama was whether he would be any good at managing things. The President is, after all, the head of a very large organization, and he had better either have good management skills or hire a chief of staff who does. The fact that I didn't know whether Obama had them didn't prevent me from voting for him -- none of the other candidates I might have supported had a track record in management either -- but I would have been happier had I known whether Obama was any good at running things.

I don't have that problem any more. Obama has spent the past year and a half running a large organization -- as of last December, it had "about 500 employees and a budget of $100 million" -- and running it very well. It's not just that he and his team beat the Clinton campaign, which started out with enormous advantages. It's not even that he often did so by building effective political machines from scratch in states in which Clinton had locked down the political establishment. It's that every account of the Obama campaign that I've read makes it clear that he has done an outstanding job of constructing and running a political organization. For instance, this account of Obama's campaign is very much worth reading, if you want to get a sense of how he runs things:

"The fact that I didn't know whether Obama had them didn't prevent me from voting for him -- "

Well who doesnt know that Mike.
As a pure bred sheeple you vote the way the party tells you to.

I might add that running a political campaign where everyone has the same objective in mind and consists mainly of sheep is a bit different than running a State where there so many diverse employees with ideas different than your own.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So what the article is saying is that running a presidential campaign should be likened to running a state. Interesting.

Gobs and gobs of cash and absolutely no accountability to those where the money came from. This makes Obama PERFECT for an out of control DC; He already knows how to act like the money is his and there is no end in sight to it.



New Member
Gobs and gobs of cash and absolutely no accountability to those where the money came from. This makes Obama PERFECT for an out of control DC; He already knows how to act like the money is his and there is no end in sight to it.


WOW...do the Dems really want to expose Obama this way? Kinda stupid I think.


No Use for Donk Twits
And when someone does screw up, for example, the CFO of D.C. during the embezzlement scandal, rewards the screwup instead of firing them?


No Use for Donk Twits
God bless America. This is going to be a fun election. I love me some nutties. :lmao:

I agree. Biden and McCain aren't known for maintaining their tempers. I have the feeling Obama is way overconfident and Palin is used to being underestimated and cuts opponents to pieces with a razor sharp tongue.

The left-wing nutroots is losing credibility with every passing second. The DailyKooks/MoveOn.org/DU crowd is now making stuff up and throwing it against a wall, hoping something will stick.

We'll see.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...far, even Obama Himself is starting his answer to questions about her and his relative experience from the same point as the talking heads;

"Well, uh, she was the mayor of a little town and, uh, we have some 298,534,133 people on our campaign staff handling some $5,098,456,142,855.07 in contributions and, uh, so, I think we're doing pretty well..."

And the questioners never chime in "And then she become governor. You seem to be leaving that part out..."


'95 ZX6R
Palin has 2 years experience running a state, cutting through the fat of corupt politicians, gave up the private jet etc because it wasn't necessary.

Obama had ~5 months in office voting yes or no on proposed bills before running for president.

who has more experience?


New Member
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical far right so what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy try to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.


New Member
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical far right do what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy try to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical far right do what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy try to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.


Super Genius
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical far right do what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy try to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.

Good. Now go out into the world and paste this in every thread of every forum you can find. Remember what you have learned. CTRL-C...CTRL-V. You are ready.


Obama destroyed America
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical far right so what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy try to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.

This is worthy of a thread. :yay:

Ice-man: hullo
Barney Frank: Hey icy, have ya got an hour to kill?
Ice-man: Wull huck ya I does!! I'll be right over!
Barney Frank: Ok but I'm pitcher this time!!
Ice-man: :yahoo:


No Use for Donk Twits
How can Palin run the country when she can't even run her own house? LOL. Under age daughter getting pregnat (sic) out of wedlock. WOW. Another example of the hypocrical (sic) far right so what I say not what I do. LMAO. Here is the best quote of all time -- I am not gay -- I have never been gay (that comes from a guy who supposed to be against gays buy (sic) try (sic) to have sex in the bathroom with a guy. ROFL.

At least if you're going to cut and paste this drivel so you can repost this on every thread, correct it please.