exercise foods


New Member
What is the best thing to eat before or after a workout or exercise class? I was starving after working out and couldn't seem to get enough to eat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My real answer is that I eat a cup of Greek yogurt and a hardboiled egg before (or something like that with protein and low carbs). Then after I just eat a normal lunch.


Well-Known Member
I either go to the gym very early in the morning or right after work. So if it is in the morning I will grab an apple or piece of fruit. Then have my breakfast (normally a bowl of cereal or yogurt) afterwards. In the afternoon I usually have a handful of raw almonds or walnuts before and then my normal dinner after. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
What is the best thing to eat before or after a workout or exercise class? I was starving after working out and couldn't seem to get enough to eat.

Pre-Workout: Oatmeal (un-flavored) <slow-burning carbs> with some blueberries or blackberries or some other sort of fruit and a protein shake or egg whites or something...

Post-Workout: Protein Shake with fruit <simple, fast-burning carbs>

Big Fatty

Food before training.

Food after training.

Seriously, it depends on your goals. You need fuel to train. You need to refuel after training. Kinda similar to gassing up the car.

All the protein/carb ratio stuff before and after training is arguable so just develop better eating habits.


New Member
Mighty Mouse I have to disagree with the first portion of your reply. Carbs are not what you want pre-workout (in a sense). Your body with use fast digesting carbs for fuel rather than you body fat stores if you eat carbs pre-workout. Warnekutz was on the right track with the slow burning carbs along with a protein source pre workout. The only portion of his post I don't agree with is the fruit as your carb post workout. Not too many fruits are fast digesting which you want postworkout to jumpstart your protein intake by boosting your insulin levels. Rather this is the one time of day that you can have white bread or white pasta. Shoot maybe even a bowl of fruit loops. However everything depends on your dietary goals. You cannot under any circumstances starve yourself though. Doing this will only turn the engine the opposite way, you will inevitably burn muscle instead of fat!! hope this helps

Big Fatty

Mighty Mouse I have to disagree with the first portion of your reply. Carbs are not what you want pre-workout (in a sense). Your body with use fast digesting carbs for fuel rather than you body fat stores if you eat carbs pre-workout. Warnekutz was on the right track with the slow burning carbs along with a protein source pre workout. The only portion of his post I don't agree with is the fruit as your carb post workout. Not too many fruits are fast digesting which you want postworkout to jumpstart your protein intake by boosting your insulin levels. Rather this is the one time of day that you can have white bread or white pasta. Shoot maybe even a bowl of fruit loops. However everything depends on your dietary goals. You cannot under any circumstances starve yourself though. Doing this will only turn the engine the opposite way, you will inevitably burn muscle instead of fat!! hope this helps

See, this is where I disagree with all of you. Giving people some super-duper technical mumbo-jumbo derails them from the start. KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.

I am not trying to make people feel stupid. Simplicity is easier to follow than the elaborate. Everyone knows beer and potato chips are not optimal food choices. Fruits and vegetables are better, right? Notice I didn't say "bad foods" or "forbidden foods".

As far as pre/post workout, show me that you have good eating habits nailed down first. Show me you can make consistent healthy food choices. Show me you are active and exercise regularly. Then we can elaborate more as to fast/slow carbs or protein and other technical nutritional crap.

God damn, if we have everyone eating Fruit Loops post workout, can you imagine what it will turn out like? I would rather see someone eating fruit and cottage cheese or a protein shake with fruit blended in than Fruit "f'ing" Loops.


New Member
WOW Fatty I struck a nerve with a simple phrase huh? Man oh man you should relax dude I think the steroids you are on are even causing mood swings on the key board. The fact is fruit is not a fast digesting carb, neither is cottage cheese. Simply put diets are hard to follow and post workout is the one time of day that you can afford to slip on the carbs portion as it will help. The cottage cheese alone would do you no good due to the fat content. I can see by your picture that you are probably more of the power lifting type, well what works for that definately does not work for mainstream gym-goers. All I can do is relay information that helped transform me from a 230 pound at 31% bodyfat fat-body into a 155 pound at 7% corner for a semi-pro football team. So calm down brother, it is all good. I don't think my post was all that elaborate, I do think you need to just relax a little. Maybe go lift!!!!!!:killingme

Big Fatty

WOW Fatty I struck a nerve with a simple phrase huh? Man oh man you should relax dude I think the steroids you are on are even causing mood swings on the key board. The fact is fruit is not a fast digesting carb, neither is cottage cheese. Simply put diets are hard to follow and post workout is the one time of day that you can afford to slip on the carbs portion as it will help. The cottage cheese alone would do you no good due to the fat content. I can see by your picture that you are probably more of the power lifting type, well what works for that definately does not work for mainstream gym-goers. All I can do is relay information that helped transform me from a 230 pound at 31% bodyfat fat-body into a 155 pound at 7% corner for a semi-pro football team. So calm down brother, it is all good. I don't think my post was all that elaborate, I do think you need to just relax a little. Maybe go lift!!!!!!:killingme

I'm calm dude. No worries. :buddies:

I am a strength athlete/enthusiast. However, my advice is geared towards the mainstream gym-goers and beginners.
I agree diets are hard to follow. I hate diets. Diets breed failure in my opinion. I think establishing better eating habits based on simple changes ensure success long term.
You are an elite athlete (or striving to be one) and you need more a streamlined nutritional plan. You need to know more. You need an edge. Your competitors will do whatever it takes and so should you.
The beginner or normal gym goer doesn't need all those bells and whistles though. THey need to start with a foundation. Would you argue that eating fruit and cottage cheese is not a better choice than fruit loops?
All I am saying is keep it simple. Just eat better, eercise regularly, be active and things will fall into place.


You're a LOON :)
I'm calm dude. No worries. :buddies:

I am a strength athlete/enthusiast. However, my advice is geared towards the mainstream gym-goers and beginners.
I agree diets are hard to follow. I hate diets. Diets breed failure in my opinion. I think establishing better eating habits based on simple changes ensure success long term.You are an elite athlete (or striving to be one) and you need more a streamlined nutritional plan. You need to know more. You need an edge. Your competitors will do whatever it takes and so should you.
The beginner or normal gym goer doesn't need all those bells and whistles though. THey need to start with a foundation. Would you argue that eating fruit and cottage cheese is not a better choice than fruit loops?
All I am saying is keep it simple. Just eat better, eercise regularly, be active and things will fall into place.

I have to agree with that.. Awhile back I posted the 1000 calorie a day diet my doctor gave me. I didn't follow it. Instead I have made changes in the way me and my family eat. It's been a slow but tomorrow will be 5 months and I have lost 24 pounds.