Exercise help


New Member
Ive recently lost a good amount of weight due to some money problems and not being able to eat right im back in a situation where i eat right and everything. I'm now looking for a way to keep the weight off and to tone up a little. anyone know a good workout regimen and maybe diet that could help me with this?


Ive recently lost a good amount of weight due to some money problems and not being able to eat right im back in a situation where i eat right and everything. I'm now looking for a way to keep the weight off and to tone up a little. anyone know a good workout regimen and maybe diet that could help me with this?

If you lost weight, it sounds like you WERE eating right :confused: I'd stick with what made you loose the weight in the first place :shrug:

What did you eat that made you loose weight? I'd like to try it! :flowers:


no i was barely eating at all sometimes only once a week thus not eating right. that is horrible for you and your metabolism

I've been loosing weight lately trying to burn more calories than I put in or at least try to burn half in exercise. I also use myfooddiary.com and that helps keep track of it all. :smile:


New Member
alright ill have to check it out. i just dont want to put the weight back on i was at one point up to about 215 and right now im hovering around 155


Well-Known Member
Ive recently lost a good amount of weight due to some money problems and not being able to eat right im back in a situation where i eat right and everything. I'm now looking for a way to keep the weight off and to tone up a little. anyone know a good workout regimen and maybe diet that could help me with this?

Bodybuilding.com offers plenty of different weight training routines, nutrition plans and supplement plans... definitely worth a look.

Best of Luck!


New Member
Let me clarify something from a personal trainer's point of view. When stress, family problem and emotional state of mind is involve during a weight lost means you were not giving your body the calorie amount it is use to. Hence, your system goes into the catabolic state and start to eat your muscle mass to sustain.

During this time the weight you have lost was muscle mass not the fat or burn calories. Muscle mass weight more than fat. I recommend get back to eating to increase the calories from high protein and complex carb from the veggies. Start by taking the amount of calories you normally intake for the day and divide it. The largest meal should be breakfast containing 60% carbs from oatmeal, fruit and whole grain bread, 20% fat from good source and finally 20% protein from egg whites. Then start on a full body workout three days a week. do not do too much cardio, you want to rebuild your muscle mass.