

Dancing Up A Storm
you because you told me to PM fredflash

Alright, I see now. Well, FF seems to have a solid grip on the subject of BS, and injects it whenever he deems it appropriate - in any thread. He suggests that he is a wealthy attorney down there in dallas, and has quite a huge history/legacy in that area.

Are you holding your nose yet? :lol:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Has anybody tried exlax im a little backed up and wondering if it will work?

Use plum juice. It's more natural for your system. If you are on any kind of pain meds, you'll get stopped up. In that case, Colace pills are your best bet.

I'm good at this stuff.

Oh, and if it works REALLY well, Scott tissue 12 packs are on sale at a good price at Kmart this week, I think two 12 packs for $11.. I'd give up some of my 80 rolls, but ya never know when you'll need them. YVW.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Miralax is over the counter now and works well. When I was on a lot of pain killers for my back I had problems and that did the trick.


I bowl overhand
Ex Lax doesn't work that well, or that fast.

I normally open it at the store when I buy it, take double or on BAD day a Triple Dose before I head home, and usually (sometimes it just DOESN'T work at all) a couple hours later it kicks in..

So if I was up at the Waldorf Mall suffering, about the time I got home I would have relief..


I'm not sure what I hate worse, NOT being able to poo for days or a mass exodus out the anal due to over stimulated bowels....

You're right topp.... shiaty thread, shiaty subject.


Football addict
Don't you work at a grocery store? :eyebrow:

You can get plumb juice, as well as prune juice which were originally plumbs anyway, which do you think is juicier?
Prune juice is a no brainer but I've never heard of plum juice or at least it put that way.


New Member

Should have been the slogan for Exlax rather than Alka-Seltzer :killingme