Exodus 14 On dry ground


Well-Known Member
Exodus 14:29 But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. 30 That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. 31 And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.​

No doubt the site of all those dead bodies popping up and washing to shore must have left an impression on the Israelites.

This is from GodVine. So the Israelites would have taken the spoils of God's war on Pharaoh?

By the extraordinary agitation of the waters, no doubt multitudes of the dead Egyptians were cast on the shore, and by their spoils the Israelites were probably furnished with considerable riches, and especially clothing and arms; which latter were essentially necessary to them in their wars with the Amalekites, Basanites, and Amorites, etc., on their way to the promised land. If they did not get their arms in this way, we know not how they got them, as there is not the slightest reason to believe that they brought any with them out of Egypt.

The people feared the Lord - They were convinced by the interference of Jehovah that his power was unlimited, and that he could do whatsoever he pleased, both in the way of judgment and in the way of mercy.

And believed the Lord, and his servant Moses - They now clearly discerned that God had fulfilled all his promises; and that not one thing had failed of all the good which he had spoken concerning Israel. And they believed his servant Moses - they had now the fullest proof that he was Divinely appointed to work all these miracles, and to bring them out of Egypt into the promised land.

Thus God got himself honor upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians, and credit in the sight of Israel. After this overthrow of their king and his host, the Egyptians interrupted them no more in the journeyings, convinced of the omnipotence of their Protector: and how strange, that after such displays of the justice and mercy of Jehovah, the Israelites should ever have been deficient in faith, or have given place to murmuring!​

Spoils of war....


OK.... I've posted a few days ahead. Hubby and I found a cute little apartment with an attached garage and we started moving over there yesterday. Today the washer, dryer, and the computers go over. We have a neighbor who will be here in a couple of hours to help so I have to break down my computer equipment. I've already contacted the internet provider. It's the same one I use now... I'm hoping the internet is there and ready when I get there and plug in the router..... but I've planned for the worst and I have a few days of Bible verses here to read..... I am so blessed....