Exodus 21 Manslaughter and Murder


Well-Known Member
Exodus 21:12 “Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death. 13 However, if it is not done intentionally, but God lets it happen, they are to flee to a place I will designate. 14 But if anyone schemes and kills someone deliberately, that person is to be taken from my altar and put to death.​

This comes from GodVine.

From the earliest times the nearest akin had a right to revenge the murder of his relation, and as this right was universally acknowledged, no law was ever made on the subject; but as this might be abused, and a person who had killed another accidentally, having had no previous malice against him, might be put to death by the avenger of blood, as the nearest kinsman was termed, therefore God provided the cities of refuge to which the accidental manslayer might flee till the affair was inquired into, and settled by the civil magistrate.

I got this quote from blueletterbible.org.

The issue is clearly one of premeditation and treachery. God did not place crimes of passion or neglect on the same plane as crimes of premeditation and treachery.

I got this from the easy English site.

The law made a difference between murder and when someone killed another person in an accident. God makes us alive. Cain murdered his brother. And he learned that murder is a sin against God (Genesis 4:10-12). Jesus showed that the commandment against murder involved bad emotions too. Such emotions (for example, to hate someone) can lead to murder. To be angry without a good reason deserves punishment. People should settle their quarrels quickly. They should respect other people. It is wrong to speak about other people with anger. And is it wrong to speak to them with anger. (Matthew 5:21-26).​
