Exodus 6 Moses not good enough?


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Exodus 6:28 Now when the Lord spoke to Moses in Egypt, 29 he said to him, “I am the Lord. Tell Pharaoh king of Egypt everything I tell you.”

30 But Moses said to the Lord, “Since I speak with faltering lips, why would Pharaoh listen to me?”​

Moses had spoken with Pharaoh and it didn't work. Did he stutter?

This is from blueletterbible.org.

God previously commanded Moses to speak to Pharaoh. After the first disappointing experience, Moses now halts in his obedience.

This may refer to Moses' idea that he has a speech problem, or it may be that he recognized that he is a sinful man, and therefore unworthy to be used.

Moses' feeling may be similar to that of Isaiah in Isaiah 6:1-8. Isaiah knew that he was a sinner in God's presence, and sensed that the "center" of his sin was in his lips - as in speaking and communicating in a way that didn't glorify God. God could deal with Isaiah's unclean lips, and He is more than able to deal with Moses' uncircumcised lips. God is also perfectly able to deal with the things in our life - real or imagined - that hinder us from being used by Him.​

The easy English commentary says this.

Moses repeated his excuse that he was not a good speaker. He did not believe that Pharaoh would listen to him. So he thought that he could not deliver God’s message.​

Moses has discussed this twice with God. Back in Exodus 6:12 and here in verse 30, Moses tells God that no one listens to him.​

Whether he stuttered, or he was feeling rejected and dejected, Moses just didn't want to be the spokesperson. Maybe he just wasn't a public speaker. God could have repaired any of those problems.
