Exodus 6 Oh he'll let you go


Well-Known Member
Exodus 6:1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them out of his country.

When I left off yesterday, everyone was angry with Moses [and Aaron]. Not only was Pharaoh angry because those Jews insist on worshiping their own God when Pharaoh himself is god, but they had the nerve to ask for a three day weekend to worship. Pharaoh doubled their workload and when the Jews couldn't keep up their count, he ordered that the overseers should be beat. When the overseers were beaten, they were laid on their bellies and their feet were beaten, leaving them lame. So of course the Jews had revolted against Moses.... telling him [paraphrased] "thanks a lot for nothing... now butt out" So Moses had questioned God at the end of Chapter 5 [paraphrased].... "Come on man! I know you told me that Pharaoh wouldn't cooperate at first... But did he have to take it our on the people?"

So this is God's reply.

The commentary this morning comes from blueletterbible.org.

Not only will Pharaoh let the children of Israel leave; he will drive them out with a strong hand.

God wanted Moses to know that He was in charge. Moses was discouraged because he was too impressed by Pharaoh and not impressed enough by God.​
