Exodus 9 Biological warfare?


Well-Known Member
Exodus 9:8 Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Take handfuls of soot from a furnace and have Moses toss it into the air in the presence of Pharaoh. 9 It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on people and animals throughout the land.”

10 So they took soot from a furnace and stood before Pharaoh. Moses tossed it into the air, and festering boils broke out on people and animals. 11 The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils that were on them and on all the Egyptians. 12 But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses.​

Is this biblical story about biological warfare? Could it also be an example psychological warfare? It's an airborne disease and the extremely clean Egyptians would go nuts over boils. Right?

Well the site blueletterbible.org site tells us it's another attack on yet another little god.

The idea behind the ancient Hebrew word for boil is "to burn." It has the idea of a swelling, painful, skin inflammation, and as with some of the previous plagues, this one also affects people and animals.

This plague was probably directed against the Egyptian god Imhotep, who was said to be the god of medicine; even those who would be thought of as closest to the Egyptian gods (the court magicians) were stricken with this plague.​

The easy English site says it's about Pharaoh's pride.

The record tells us that ‘the LORD made Pharaoh continue to be proud’. That is the first time during the plagues that it says that about the LORD. In the first 5 plagues, Pharaoh had become proud. He would not give in to God. Pharaoh had made so many wrong moral choices. Now he was reaching the limit of his freedom to change. Still Pharaoh was too proud. So the LORD decided to punish Pharaoh with more plagues.​

Finally GodVine describes a real biological attack using the very furnaces where the bricks were dried.

As one part of the oppression of the Israelites consisted In their labor in the brick-kilns, some have observed a congruity between the crime and the punishment. The furnaces, in the labor of which they oppressed the Hebrews, now yielded the instruments of their punishment; for every particle of those ashes, formed by unjust and oppressive labor, seemed to be a boil or a blain on the tyrannical king and his cruel and hard-hearted people.

Shall be a boil - שחין shechin. This word is generally expounded, an inflammatory swelling, a burning boil; one of the most poignant afflictions, not immediately mortal, that can well affect the surface of the human body. If a single boil on any part of the body throws the whole system into a fever, what anguish must a multitude of them on the body at the same time occasion!

Breaking forth with blains - אבעבעת ababuoth, supposed to come from בעה baah, to swell, bulge out; any inflammatory swelling, node, or pustule, in any part of the body, but more especially in the more glandular parts, the neck, arm-pits, groin, etc. The Septuagint translate it thus: Και εσται ἑλκη φλυκτιδες αναζεουσαι· And it shalt be an ulcer with burning pustules. It seems to have been a disorder of an uncommon kind, and hence it is called by way of distinction, the botch of Egypt, Deuteronomy 28:27, perhaps never known before in that or any other country. Orosius says that in the sixth plague "all the people were blistered, that the blisters burst with tormenting pain, and that worms issued out of them."

Is this as debilitating as the circumcision that was used back in Genesis 34?
