Exorcism today...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Yes, I've taken it upon myself to right the ship. Got club level seats for today and I will, WILL purge the evil spirits from this team by force of magic. Got my dead chicken, got my Roger Staubach voodoo doll, got my KISS belt buckle (hey, it worked in the early 80's).

So, call your bookie, bet the farm, put the mortgage on it. It all turns around starting today. It's a lock. Least I hope so. FedEx is fun when they win and it's one giant funeral home when they lose.

Our team. The team.

Hail, hail I say, to THE Washington Redskins!!!


Well for what its worth -- I was thinking this morning that if I was the Giant's defensive coach, I'd just put everyone on the line and not even worry about covering our receivers (or nonreceivers)...just go after Patrick everytime and if he does let one loose the nonreceiver would drop it anyway and it would stop the run.... How sad is that :frown: ....
I sure hope we win this week, I don't think I can stomach any more losses or Redskin jokes from Dallas or Philly fans... :frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Well for what its worth -- I was thinking this morning that if I was the Giant's defensive coach, I'd just put everyone on the line and not even worry about covering our receivers (or nonreceivers)...just go after Patrick everytime and if he does let one loose the nonreceiver would drop it anyway and it would stop the run.... How sad is that :frown: ....
I sure hope we win this week, I don't think I can stomach any more losses or Redskin jokes from Dallas or Philly fans... :frown:
What's worse is that if the 'Skins do lose it will be jokes from Penn. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
What's worse is that if the 'Skins do lose it will be jokes from Penn. :lol:
Pshaw! You really think that I, your humble Giant fan, would stoop so low as(ahem!) some others in the past have done?

Sir, I'll have you know I am above that sort of chicanery. :whistle: :angel:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...Yes, I've taken it upon myself to right the ship. Got club level seats for today and I will, WILL purge the evil spirits from this team by force of magic. Got my dead chicken, got my Roger Staubach voodoo doll, got my KISS belt buckle (hey, it worked in the early 80's).

So, call your bookie, bet the farm, put the mortgage on it. It all turns around starting today. It's a lock. Least I hope so. FedEx is fun when they win and it's one giant funeral home when they lose.

Our team. The team.

Hail, hail I say, to THE Washington Redskins!!!
Larry, whatever you're doing, keep it up, it's working! :notworthy :yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I must say today was everything we were hoping for when they said Joe Gibbs was coming back as head coach. EVERYTHING was working like clockwork. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the exorcism and betting tip!

I went the farm route. Now have a 100 acre farm, instead of 50.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well that was E Z...

...I have two words for yah

"Loge seating"

Not club level, loge. Man oh man, that was awesome! Leather seats, roof over your head, radiant heating, wait staff right there, order a beer and get it in a couple of minutes, no bathroom lines...

The game, in person, was nowhere as close as the score. We KICKED some ass.

Now, this means rip off 4 straight against the eags, boys, 9ers and vikes and match Gibbs first year, 8-8!!! Maybe sneak into the playoffs.

The pass to Cooley for a TD that got called back was a jaw dropper live. He and Cooley were on the same page. What a play. Wha ta throw and catch.

Got in and out in record time (I'm home, duh).

Great day!

One more time (a little hoarse, but not a pony) HAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL...



Well-Known Member
Didn't watch the whole game, but watched the first drive.

Looked sharp, felt it was going to be a good day! The business of DC always seem to go smoother after a skins win.