Experienced rider needed for a friends Horse


New Member
My friend (an adult) has a 7/8 year old 14.2 hand pony that needs a very experienced rider to get her going again. The story is this pony was rushed and highly abused as a youngster (jumping 4ft by the age of 3, and was flipped over on purpose) and shes very sweet, but very stubborn, likes to rear and sometimes kicks out, but VERY VERY VERY athletic and an AMAZING jumper. She just got her eye removed (from the abusing from her past) and the owner wants someone to ride her, or get her going again, or if any one wants a lease project. She is brave, and doesnt spook much despite the eye thing, she just wouldnt go forward, tosses her head, and will rear. This pony needs a quiet, confident rider to bring her back very slowly because she goes in cycles where she will be coming along great, and then reverse back to old habbits (which happened right before her eye got removed and then she was on rest) Since her eye has been removed, the owner said shes much quieter, doesnt really toss her head much on the lunge anymore or anything, but she doesnt want to start her back undersadde because she has not rode a green horse in a very very long time. She was jumping 2'9 solidly, does lead changes in a snap, nice nice movement, could be a A rated show pony easily... but then one day she just revereted back started rearing, ect. and then they needed to get her eye remove, and she hasnt been backed since and so its been a good year. Was great on trails. Onetime, someone set up like 6inch caveltties (like trot poles) and the striding was too short, so she just jumped the whole thing which was a good 6ft wide. Shes very atheletic, and could be very nice, just needs a rider willing to take on the challege. Owner does not want to sell, but will lease her out or pay a rider. PM me for more details.


Active Member
This pony needs a professional with extensive experience dealing with behavior/abuse issues, not just a very very experienced rider. And, I hope the owner will insist on a good solid release of liability contract from whomever she gets to take on the work.


New Member
Sounds like thats going to be a fun project for somebody! I wish I could help her out, probably needs a trainer or something out to work with her to break her habits, and then try and find someone to lease/ride the pony to 'polish up'.


I've been hearing a lot of talk about Joe Crandall lately. I want to say he is in Upper Marlboro, but don't quote me on that! Maybe someone here could help you get his information.. Good luck with the pony.


New Member
I've been hearing a lot of talk about Joe Crandall lately. I want to say he is in Upper Marlboro, but don't quote me on that! Maybe someone here could help you get his information.. Good luck with the pony.

Thinking you mean Bob Crandall. He was at REC in/near Annap. He has very high level clients. I don't think he's what the pony owner would need.


Hmm, I pretty positive it is Joe! Ah well, hopefully you find something that'll work well with the pony and owner.


Okay, it is Joe Crandall (I could have his name spelled wrong too--hooked on phonics :pete:). He is over in the Deale area and he used to do Endurance or something. I think he just does the basic manners which this horse sounds like she needs. Freedom Hill Horse Rescue uses him for their training. I've heard he works very well with the horses and is very effective. Sorry about the confusion and uncertainty. :confused::rolleyes:

Also to the OP -- has the owner thought about any possible medical reasons why the pony is misbehaving? Ill-fitted saddle, back problems, etc.?


New Member
she isnt willing to pay more the 15$ which in that case shes not going to get a rider. but what evv.. she does have some back issues from her past, but shes ok with the sheep pads and everything, they thought it was her eye causeing her pain or osmething so they got that removed, and she hasnt been backed since so who knows what shes like now. But the rearing stuff started out at pain, but then shes jsut learned to get away with it and hasnt been ridden so i dont know. Shes in hollywood md


New Member
Mmkay, I might be able to do it. But the only problem is that I'm in mechanicsville and with the gas prices going up and my dad is less willing to bring me up there and then having to come get me. >.<;