Explanation of Federal Funding/This'll be a tough one to argue!



This benchmark shows the flow of funds coming out of Louisiana to Washington, the amount of funds remitted from Washington to Louisiana, and a ratio of the two. A ratio greater than $1.00 indicates that more federal funds are flowing into the state than contributions to the federal government flowing out of the state.

Federal Fiscal Year 2001 data indicate that, Louisiana is doing better than most states in the amount of money the federal government spends here compared to the amount we send to them. However, the reason Louisiana receives the relatively large amounts is our large population living in poverty. Much of this money goes to healthcare and social assistance programs.

Rationale: It is important that Louisiana get its fair share of federal funds; however, it is important for the state to focus on the types of federal funds coming into the state. Louisiana must focus on increasing funds for research and other expenditures that will help the state increase the number of quality jobs as well as the quality of life for all citizens and work to minimize the need for large amounts of federal funds for social and healthcare assistance.

Target: The target is to slowly decrease the amount of federal dollars coming into the state for healthcare and social assistance programs and at the same time increase federal dollars coming in for research, infrastructure, and other areas where federal funding might contribute to an increase in quality jobs. In short, Louisiana must focus on changing the mix of federal dollars coming into the state, while reducing its overall dependence on federal assistance.

Data Source: Federal Tax Burdens and Expenditures by State, Tax Foundation, Washington, DC (www.taxfoundation.org)

Any questions?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
remaxrealtor said:
Any questions?
Yes. I'm curious WHY Louisiana has such a large number of poverty-stricken people. I mean, no doubt it's George Bush's fault, but I'd like to know how he managed to trash a whole state.

I have my own suspicions, but I'd like to hear other opinions.


This Space for Rent
To be exact, Lousiana is well funded at receiving $1.47 of federal money for every dollar of federal taxes paid from the state.


vraiblonde said:
I mean, no doubt it's George Bush's fault, but I'd like to know how he managed to trash a whole state.

He put something in the water.

That's why he flooded it out - so that he could nail the people who don't drink from the local water supply.


vraiblonde said:
Yes. I'm curious WHY Louisiana has such a large number of poverty-stricken people. I mean, no doubt it's George Bush's fault, but I'd like to know how he managed to trash a whole state.

I have my own suspicions, but I'd like to hear other opinions.
Louisiana has, by far, the nation's highest incarceration rate, with nearly 37,000 people in the state prison system alone. In the United States, more than 2 million men and women are locked up in prisons or jails. "Far too often, particularly for the formerly incarcerated, they can also negatively influence potential employers' hiring decisions," the Casey report said. "Parental incarceration takes an obvious toll on children, which typically reveals itself in lower self-esteem, depression, emotional withdrawal, and disruptive and delinquent behavior. It also has a significant impact on
their economic well-being."

The Times-Picayune
Child poverty in La. grows, study says
State's statistics worsen in 8 of 10 categories
Wednesday, July 27, 2005


remaxrealtor said:
Louisiana has, by far, the nation's highest incarceration rate, with nearly 37,000 people in the state prison system alone. In the United States, more than 2 million men and women are locked up in prisons or jails. "Far too often, particularly for the formerly incarcerated, they can also negatively influence potential employers' hiring decisions," the Casey report said. "Parental incarceration takes an obvious toll on children, which typically reveals itself in lower self-esteem, depression, emotional withdrawal, and disruptive and delinquent behavior. It also has a significant impact on
their economic well-being."

The Times-Picayune
Child poverty in La. grows, study says
State's statistics worsen in 8 of 10 categories
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

sorry to veer offtopic but Remax... can you please clear your inbox? thanks! :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
remaxrealtor said:
Louisiana has, by far, the nation's highest incarceration rate
That's interesting. So George Bush is going down there and throwing good men into prison for no reason. Evil bastard.

But I'm curious why Louisiana is such a crappy state. Poverty issues, crime issues, and now even their big tourist attraction is destroyed.


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:
That's interesting. So George Bush is going down there and throwing good men into prison for no reason. Evil bastard.

But I'm curious why Louisiana is such a crappy state. Poverty issues, crime issues, and now even their big tourist attraction is destroyed.

And what's most amazing is that George Bush managed to trash the entire state in less than his first year in office and while trying to respond to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This is one He!! of a powerful guy! Why didn't we elect him sooner?


Methodically disorganized
vraiblonde said:
But I'm curious why Louisiana is such a crappy state. Poverty issues, crime issues, and now even their big tourist attraction is destroyed.
Because the 'welfare philosophy' is like a black hole. You feed it, and it eats. As it grows it wants more. Nothing good ever comes out of it and, in fact, it will probably lead to chaos. Such a black hole apparently swallowed N'awlins.

I just got out of a class at CSM. The prof wanted us to explore some 'critical thinking'... so he picked Katrina's aftermath as a starting point. Many viewpoints went down the path of "the Feds were too slow". I was one of only a handful of folks who raised the point that the LA and N'awlins governments have squandered and irrationally spent funds. Somehow the prof took that to mean, "So you don't think the federal government is responsible." I said, "No; I'm not saying that. The mayor wants to sit back and cry, 'Why aren't the Feds helping us more?' Yet, what is he doing to help?" The Feds are supposed to be the overseers of the general relief, but the governor and mayor should have been the first officials in those areas. (Sorry to rehash what's been done a couple thousand times by now...)

The intellectual brick wall is just :burning:


wandering aimlessly
That's interesting. So George Bush is going down there and throwing good men into prison for no reason. Evil bastard.

But I'm curious why Louisiana is such a crappy state. Poverty issues, crime issues, and now even their big tourist attraction is destroyed

And what's most amazing is that George Bush managed to trash the entire state in less than his first year in office and while trying to respond to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This is one He!! of a powerful guy! Why didn't we elect him sooner?



Methodically disorganized

O'Reilly just let out an explosive series of "Talking Points".

Mayor Nagin initialized a mandatory evacuation... yet he let people remain if they so chose. He "needs to explain why a 'mandatory evacuation' is not mandatory." He also needs to explain why a great number of buses were not utilized when they could have been used to assist in the evacuation.

The governor was assailed for an insufficient response to sending N.G. troops into the city to lock everything down.

It will be interesting to see if they respond to these pointed items. If they do so inadequately or not at all I would hope recall votes would be initialized for each office.