So Bug lost a tooth this morning while she was at work with me. I set it aside on the desk to take home later. About two hours after it fell out, the thing explodes into two pieces. WTF???
Anyone ever heard of such a thing?
I remember a hundred years ago when I was losing baby teeth a couple of my molars did that. One of them broke in half in my mouf!
It happened to her last one, too. Weird.
Maybe they're fragile because the roots pull out as they're getting looser, so the tooth is dead. :shrug:
Yep, Rose. You're gonna have pay her double.Bug planned it that way on purpose, so that she could get TWO visits from the Tooth Fairy.
Maybe they're fragile because the roots pull out as they're getting looser, so the tooth is dead. :shrug:
So Bug lost a tooth this morning while she was at work with me. I set it aside on the desk to take home later. About two hours after it fell out, the thing explodes into two pieces. WTF???
Anyone ever heard of such a thing?
It happened to her last one, too. Weird.
Bug planned it that way on purpose, so that she could get TWO visits from the Tooth Fairy.
Heck no, I never have! Will she want double the tooth fairy's regular rate?!
No, but I reminded her of her last lost tooth that the Tooth Fairy hasn't come for yet. I told her we could put it under her pillow tonight, but she declined and wants to wait for me to bring the other one home so she can get paid for both.
Thing1 actually had 3 front (baby) teeth! (They call that a supernumerary tooth). It looked a little odd if you looked up close, because the center of his smile was a tad bit off. But the baby teeth are so small, you couldn't really tell. It didn't affect his permanent teeth, though.
That is odd.
No, but I reminded her of her last lost tooth that the Tooth Fairy hasn't come for yet. I told her we could put it under her pillow tonight, but she declined and wants to wait for me to bring the other one home so she can get paid for both.
More bang for the buck.
Span, Crackle, POP!