Eye Color A Pain Tolerance Indicator?


Well-Known Member

"How Pain-Tolerant Are You? Look At Your Eye Color"

From article:
"Your eyes may be more than just a window to your soul. Recent research out of the University of Pittsburgh touts how eye color is related to pre-dispositional traits such as pain-tolerance and alcohol susceptibility." "So how can the color of your eyes determine these traits?" "The answer: the genes that determine your eye color also impact how your body reacts to pain and alcohol."

So if you have dark/dark brown eyes; like me; it takes less to get you Shnocker'd.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting and maybe worth more research.

I take Tylenol for pain; and I don't drink.....cuz I can't. D*mn meds! So, so much for me doing any further research. \:-/ Well.....I do sneak a shot of something once in a great while.