F-35Bs In The South China Sea


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
That's a lot of capability.

I'm working on a missile boat right now that is on the hard within a few hundred meters of the very similar and relatively new EN Mistral-class helo carriers/amphibious assault ships (2). They are still big empty boxes, without helos or any other aircraft yet (reportedly being procured from Russia) or landing craft of any number in the welldecks.

But if/when they get them fully equipped...quite a unique capability for a "third world" country.


God bless the USA
That's a lot of capability.

I'm working on a missile boat right now that is on the hard within a few hundred meters of the very similar and relatively new EN Mistral-class helo carriers/amphibious assault ships (2). They are still big empty boxes, without helos or any other aircraft yet (reportedly being procured from Russia) or landing craft of any number in the welldecks.

But if/when they get them fully equipped...quite a unique capability for a "third world" country.

Be careful out there.