Facial Recognition App


PREMO Member
Creepy Facial Recognition App Pushes ‘Pretty Serious Privacy Boundaries’

Developed by FacialNetwork.com, the NameTag app scans a person’s face against records and matches it with information on the Internet, other photos and social media profiles. It’s technology will also scan profiles of dating sites and more than 450,000 entries in the National Sex Offender Public Registry and criminal databases, a press release about the app explained.

“I believe that this will make online dating and offline social interactions much safer and give us a far better understanding of the people around us,” NameTag’s creator Kevin Alan Tussy said in a statement. “It’s much easier to meet interesting new people when we can simply look at someone, see their Facebook, review their LinkedIn page or maybe even see their dating site profile. Often we were interacting with people blindly or not interacting at all. NameTag on Google Glass can change all that.”


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What a hoot! It's all about making on-line dating more fun! Yeah, that.

Just more fun for NSA and theirs.

This, which we knew was coming, is beyond the realm of creepy.