

mv = margaritaville
Or she just wouldn't say :evil: but I guess she is actually gone now according to these posts so I'msure everyone will know soon enough. I can't think she wouldn't let her customers know.
If she didn't want my money any more all she had to do was say.

But she really didn't know where she was going.


New Member
I hear she had it out with the owner, so maybe she has not landed anywhere else yet. Its a real shame, she is an awesome person. My workmate goes to Shaunna at Bella so I am going to give her a try.


New Member
Laurie is at Creative Touch in leonardtown. Hope she does ok there, its a very weird setup, like a gym and hair and nails all in the same locale. A friend of mine worked there as a receptionist and said its dirty inside. I have never been there so its just second hand. Props to Laurie for at least getting out of solomons.


New Member
Seems that this Lady moves around alot only went to her one time she was OK "Not that great" Not good that someone moves three times in one year.