Fahrenheit 9/11 - Frontline Style



I know... you can't trust PBS, but I think the Frontline show is an exception to the rule, and last night they did an outstanding show on the true relationship between the United States and Saudi governments. They brought up two things that I thought were very interesting:

1. The original "Blood for Oil" contract, which was a promise by the United States to protect the Saudi kingdom from attack, and provide them with arms in return for low-cost oil, was signed not during the Bush administration but in 1943... by none other than the godfather of Liberalism, Franklin D. Roosevelt!
2. That people view the fact that most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi as a basis for belief that the Saudis are anti-American, without bearing in mind that the original reason for Bin Ladin's numerous attacks on US interests was to force the withdrawl of US forces out of the Kingdom. He focused on recruiting Saudi nationals for the 9/11 attacks in order to generate a US-Saudi rift, and as expected... many Americans did just as he expected and wanted.