DNR Fall Foliage Report – November 11, 2021


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Map of Maryland showing peak foliage in southern and eastern Maryland

The corn mazes are wrapping up, farmers markets are shifting to their winter offerings, and the trees across Maryland are preparing for their winter break. But there are still opportunities to see fall color, especially in the central and eastern parts of the state. A good way to enjoy the remaining fall days is with a drive along one of Maryland’s Scenic byways. At this point, the Roots and Tides, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad, Chesapeake Country, Religious Freedom, and John Wilkes Booth trails are your best bets for capturing fall’s final curtain call. Colors are still muted compared to previous years but there are plenty of beautiful spots that make it worth the trip.

The one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Hanging so light, and hanging so high,
On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.

– Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Join us as we follow the transition each week with reports from our experts at our state forests and parks. This year for the first time, we welcome all of Maryland’s outdoor enthusiasts to send in photos capturing the beauty of the fall season. Please use the submission form to submit your entries directly to us. Your photo might be selected to appear in a future edition of the Fall Foliage Report!

Sign up to receive this report to your email inbox every week in fall.

Baltimore and Howard Counties, Maryland

Patapsco Valley State Park

Sun showing on the overlook at Patapsco

High in the sky, the sun casts down on the Hollofield Overlook at Patapsco Valley State Park. Alyssa Myers – Patapsco Valley State Park

Cecil County, Maryland

Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area and Bohemia River State Park

Fall trees along a stream at the park

At Fair Hill, fall colors are glorious this week, especially along the river. The hickories are out in their fully golden splendor, vibrant against the still-green beeches which often grow alongside them. Crisp air, the scent of fallen leaves, and expansive views make this a perfect time to get out there and go on a hike. Ranger Lesley Leader – Fair Hill NRMA, Bohemia River State Park

Dorchester County, Maryland

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park

The colorful blooms typical of early fall are giving way to hues of ruby red, orange, and golden yellow in Tubman Country. The maple and sweet gum trees are the stars of the show this week! Rangers Cierra Maszkiewicz and Dana Paterra

Fall trees at the park
Detailed view of some of the tree branches turning orange
Open field with brown grass and changing trees in the distance
View of the museum with fall trees behind
Fall trees against a bright blue sky
Detailed view of leaves turning orange
Fall trees with green grassy areas
There are still green trees that haven't turned
Fall colors with brown fields and cloudy grey skies
Flowers blooming by the marsh
Tree with bright red leaves
Detailed view of red leaves on a tree

Photo Submissions for the Week

We’d like to thank all the folks that continue to send in photos of fall scenes from around Maryland. Glimpses of fall and shorter days can be seen from all parts of the state thanks to your participation. Please send us your fall foliage photos, including the names of any tree species you spot, using our easy online form!

Click on photos for larger versions.​

Trail at Pocomoke State Forest

Lauren P. – Pocomoke State Forest, Worcester County

Trail with fall trees at Pocomoke State Forest

Lauren P. – Pocomoke State Forest, Worcester County

Road winding through yellow fall trees

Kristin C. – Deep Creek Lake, Garrett County

Bright red leaves on a tree

Bob M. – Route 331, Talbot County

Large tree with fall leaves

Joseph D. – Patterson Park, Baltimore County

Joseph D. – Patterson Park, Baltimore County

Fall trees on the shore of the Bay

Jennifer E. – Eastern Neck Island, Rock Hall, Kent County

Trees starting to turn on the shore of the Choptank River

Lauren P. – Bill Burton Fishing Pier, Talbot County side

Bright red leaves

Lori C. – Clarksville, Howard County

Red and yellow leaves on a tree

Lori C. – Clarksville, Howard County

Oranges and yellows along a lakeshore

Lori C. – Centennial Park, Howard County

Sun breaking through a fall sky

Robin F. – Hambrooks Boulevard, Cambridge, Dorchester County

Fall forest against a blue lake

Vincent C – Clopper Lake, Seneca Creek State Park, Montgomery County

Fall Recreation Spotlight
Nature Journaling at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area
Monday, November 15, 2021

Join us for a short hike along a part of the Serpentine Trail to experience our globally rare prairie remnant area. Nature journals will be provided to record your journey. Cost is $1. Begins at 3 p.m. at Soldiers Delight Visitor Center. Call 410-461-5005 for information.

Trailhead at Soldiers Delight

Watch the sky

The Leonid meteor shower peaks November 17; the span of the shower goes from November 6 – 30. The moon will be almost full for the peak night so the trick will be to avoid the moon this week, start early, and try your luck. On November 12, the moon sets at midnight. Each night after, it sets a little later and by November 16 it will be setting around 4 a.m. Remember, it takes about a half hour for your eyes to get acclimated to the darkness. Dress warm, bring a chair, and enjoy the show!

Leonids meteor shower

Photo: NASA

Photo of flowering dogwood