Hey Gopher!! I work for the gov't and I can see them! BTW, they are super shots! When you first posted yesterday, they were little thumbnail size and I couldn't see them too well. Good job!
Thanks! Are you on NMCI?
Thanks! Are you on NMCI? Like I said, all I get are the X's in the box and it I click the link to PhotoBucket it notifies me that it is a blocked site.
And again, many thanks to jbr13 for his guidance or you would still be looking at either weblinks or thumbnails. Nice to get those helping hands when we need them.
Always amazing what you can find to take pictures of so close to home and who would ever think a sediment retention pond woud turn in to beautiful wetlands. It actually looks like a yellow carpet with these flowers mixed in with cattails.
NMCI blocks Photobucket.