Fallout 4 - After Action Report


Well-Known Member
The title is somewhat misleading, because I don't have a complete game under my belt, yet. I do have a lot of hours into the game, and have done many of the available quests for 3 of the 4 main factions. The 4th faction is the one that seems to be the tipping point for the other factions; doing quests for them starts you on the road to turning the other factions against you. I was at that point, but reloaded an earlier game so as not to cause that, and miss out on some major quests for the others.

This is a work in progress, and mostly random thoughts about likes and dislikes of the game so far. I started a thread so as not to hijack GURPS' thread, not that it's had all that much traction since he started it. That was a pre-launch of the game thread, and in fact, much of what's available online is still anticipatory of the launch of Fallout 4. The websites that deal with the in-game action are catching up, which is helpful if you get stuck on a quest.

Like everyone else, it seems, I was stoked to see this game launch, particularly in light of the advances in 1st person RPGs such as Oblivion and Skyrim. Both, but especially the latter, are the gold standard for that genre as far as I'm concerned.

My high hopes for Fallout 4 have not been met to their fullest.

Don't get me wrong: I'm still enjoying the game, and to be honest, I'm not sure what my highest expectations looked like, exactly, but this isn't it. Sort of like that judicial explanation of pornography; we're not sure exactly how to define it, but we'll know it when we see it.


Well-Known Member
Likes and Dislikes - Settlements and Settlers

There are a few things new with F4 that were not around in previous Fallouts, going all the way back to F1 on the PC, before there was an xBox.

One of those new things is putting up Settlements, which goes hand-in-hand with recruiting and utilizing Settlers. This is, as far as I know, unique to the RPG games. I haven't played an online game since Everquest (dude! You're like, old!), so I don't know how they do things, but for this specific genre, this is a new thing. Well, you could build houses in Skyrim, but not whole settlements. Then again, you can't furnish and occupy your dwelling the way you could in Skyrim, so there's that. In fact, that's a Dislike: there's no place in F4 that I've found that I can call, and make my own space the way I could in F3 and New Vegas. Or even as Commander Shepherd.

I like being able to build buildings and furnish them and all the things that go with building settlements. What I don't like is the fact that gathering the necessary crap used to build those buildings and accessories is so time-consuming and tedious. The very first location you come to after leaving the vault is your old neighborhood. It's mostly thrashed, but there are some houses still intact that you can use to build a base of operations out of, including the house you shared with your family. There is also plenty of scrap in the form of destroyed houses, cars, dead wood, furniture, and so on, that you can collect and use to build stuff with. Scraping in-game is actually pretty automatic as long as you have a workbench in the area in question, and you go into "build" mode.

What I don't like is that there are so many perfectly junked up cars, houses, tires, and other materials all over the wasteland that you can't do anything about. Nobody likes a junked up wasteland, and I'm just the one to clean it up. I mean, after all, that's the main mission of one of the first factions you come to: rebuild civilization. If you live in squalor, that makes you a Raider, in my book. So basically, if you're outside a settlement area, that leaves you to collect coffee pots, hot plates, dishes, tin cans, ashtrays, empty milk bottles, and all kinds of junk; all of which you have to lug to one of your workbenches and store for future building use.

That's when you're not being shot at by Raiders or Gunners, slapped around by ghouls or Deathclaws, or eaten by mutated lobsters or bears. So annoying while you're trying to tidy up the wasteland. I wonder how Marie Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing) would handle it.

Now, if you have a workbench, and you also have an armor bench, and a weapons bench in the same settlement (conveniently provided to you in Sanctuary, your old 'hood - if upscale middle class enclaves can be refered to as "'hoods"), what you put in one bench can be used in all the benches. Later on, you will also find chemistry benches, and power armor stations, which are also classes of benches.

Further into the game, as you establish trade routes, the things that are available to you in one settlement begin to be available to you in other settlements, which is a good thing. Also, your settlers, who don't really seem to have much interest in working to any great extent (more on settlers later), don't seem to bother the stuff in your benches, which is also good, because you can store your weapons and armor there as well. Which, as you can see, could be a handy thing.

There are a couple of methods for looking at the health and welfare stats of your settlements. One is through your handy-dandy Pip Boy, and the other is in build mode. The Pip Boy display will give you basically how many people in the settlement, their overall happiness level, and whether it's trending up or down. It's all dependent on the stats you'll see in build mode while you're at the actual settlement (the Pip Boy will show you the basics from where ever you are in the world). Things to keep track of include number of beds, defense, water, food, and so on. If you've played the game, you'll know that beds inside buildings bring happiness, whereas beds out in the open do not.

Eventually, you will put in booths for vending in your settlements, which I like. You have the scavenging booth early on, which should theoretically bring in scrap to build and mod stuff with. I have several booths in various settlements, but I can't tell if it's actually working. I don't like that you have to actually assign settlers to work the various booths, though I confess I have yet to actually put in a weapons or armor booth.

Since this post was about Settlements and Settlers, let's talk about the latter, since I've about exhausted my KSAs concerning settlements.

I don't like that the settlers are like a bunch of children, waiting for someone to feed and shelter them. In the real world, they're called "Democratic voters," but I play RPGs to escape the real world for at least a little while.

There is a fairly complex system for recruiting and assigning settlers to tasks, as well as keeping them happy. You have to provide shelter, defense, water, and food, and I think it even involves equipping them with better weapons and clothing and/or armor. So I've heard online, and it must be true.

More than 200 years after the world was destroyed by more nuclear weapons than you though possible, you'd think they would be more autonomous, and maybe once the booths are in, they get that way, but in the meantime, they're not. They're like animal babies in the wild, waiting for mom or dad to feed them, and all that. Finding salvage around the wasteland is laborious and tedious. Not to mention the snide comments from your traveling companions about wasting time with useless crap - "I'd just leave that if I were you." This is crap you need to build, and there's no help for it. And there is a lot of crap out there to find. You would think that people building a safe and secure settlement would be down for helping out around the place, but so far, they're more interested in seeing what you can do for them. "We don't have enough beds; we don't have enough water; we don't have any EBT cards to use at strip clubs and casinos." Okay, I made that last one up. You get the idea.

Okay, that's enough for this post. Future topics include: Modifying (modding) unique or legendary weapons, and not being able to unmodify any weapon. My next post will probably deal with something that's been bugging me for a while now: the sheer numbers of mutants, ghouls, raiders, and other nasty critters, as well as the re-spawning thereof. Off to work. It's interfering with my real and imaginary life.


PREMO Member
My high hopes for Fallout 4 have not been met to their fullest.

Don't get me wrong: I'm still enjoying the game, and to be honest, I'm not sure what my highest expectations looked like, exactly, but this isn't it. Sort of like that judicial explanation of pornography; we're not sure exactly how to define it, but we'll know it when we see it.

being 'the man' in charge of one or more factions General of the MM and inside the Institute
... I thought there were missed opportunities for additional dialog ....

if you have finished up Mankind Redefined or just having access to the Institute ... IMHO some others dialog choices should be available


PREMO Member
I have at least 160 hours on playing now .... while it is an awesome game, I have to agree Bethesda does not no how to Write a Proper RPG

Fallout 4 like Skyrim is 1000 miles wide, but only about an inch deep
many have bitched [online] about the lack of Karma
... I find it satisfying NOT to get dinged for wasting a drug dealing scumbag and his associates

one thing I always hated in F3 and NV was wacking some dick wad that deserved it, suddenly everyone across the waste land knew, even in there was no on around for 100 miles .... auto-magically everyone knew

I had not considered the Settlers are like Democratic Voters :killingme ... that was funny
but yeah, they wont start crops on there own, no one explores the surrounding area ....


PREMO Member
Okay, that's enough for this post. Future topics include: Modifying (modding) unique or legendary weapons, and not being able to unmodify any weapon. My next post will probably deal with something that's been bugging me for a while now: the sheer numbers of mutants, ghouls, raiders, and other nasty critters, as well as the re-spawning thereof. Off to work. It's interfering with my real and imaginary life.

you can 'unmod' weapons
.... just apply the standard parts that should being your inventory or 'in the workbench' storage since the MOD was Applied

yes ... how many damn raiders and super mutants do I have to kill before the population is sufficiently depleted

I read [on-line or in the game guide] supposedly you will get sent back to a location 6 times, before the monsters quit re-spawning ..
i.e. Abernathy Farm ... after the 6th time you get asked to go to US AF Sat Com Relay 'Olivia' you should never have to go back
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Well-Known Member
you can 'unmod' weapons
.... just apply the standard parts that should being your inventory or 'in the workbench' storage since the MOD was Applied

yes ... how many damn raiders and super mutants do I have to kill before the population is sufficiently depleted

I read [on-line or in the game guide] supposedly you will get sent back to a location 6 times, before the monsters quit re-spawning ..
i.e. Abernathy Farm ... after the 6th time you get asked to go to US AF Sat Com Relay 'Olivia' you should never have to go back

Thanks for that tip. I'll give that a try, as soon as I can, which means as soon as I get my grubby meat hooks on a standard mod. I've been selling them, rather than lugging them around. I'm level 46, don't really buy that much stuff, and still have only accumulated about 5,000 caps, so it's not like you get a lot for the stuff you sell. I'd rather spend my perks in other places than bartering.

Also, if I have to rescue that same chick from Ten Pines one more time, I may let them keep her. It's like the 4th time now I've been to Olivia.


Well-Known Member
Here's one for you: I fast traveled to the Quincy PD last night. I'd already cleared the ruins and had visited the PD in the Winter holotape quest. I was headed out to the farm out on the penninsula as a possible minutemen quest. The game had barely loaded when an automatron in stealth mode sliced and diced me before I could react. My character was dead before she hit the ground. Never knew what hit her. That kind of thing should not be on regular or easy mode. That's all I'm sayin'.

There is a kind of karma, which I don't like. I'm on the overpass where the gunners who betrayed the minutemen are hanging out (above Quincy), having cleaned them out one more time. There's a suit of armor up there, which, if you take it, or the components, is stealing. Stealing from bad guys is bad? Who knew. Anyway, I have the detective synth guy with me, and he didn't like me stealing from the bad guys. F*ck me.


PREMO Member
Here's one for you: I fast traveled to the Quincy PD last night. I'd already cleared the ruins and had visited the PD in the Winter holotape quest. I was headed out to the farm out on the penninsula as a possible minutemen quest. The game had barely loaded when an automatron in stealth mode sliced and diced me before I could react. My character was dead before she hit the ground. Never knew what hit her. That kind of thing should not be on regular or easy mode. That's all I'm sayin'.

There is a kind of karma, which I don't like. I'm on the overpass where the gunners who betrayed the minutemen are hanging out (above Quincy), having cleaned them out one more time. There's a suit of armor up there, which, if you take it, or the components, is stealing. Stealing from bad guys is bad? Who knew. Anyway, I have the detective synth guy with me, and he didn't like me stealing from the bad guys. F*ck me.

indeed, I have had that issue as well fast travel to a spot I have cleared and the Raiders / Super M / Ghouls .... have re-spawned and I am in the s h i t
luckily I am not 84 ... and have some nice upgraded armor .. no I don't bother with PA much

I have also had that problem, I have a suit of 'Raider' PA I stole ... its back at Sanctuary ... the armor plates are still 'red' for Steal


PREMO Member
Thanks for that tip. I'll give that a try, as soon as I can, which means as soon as I get my grubby meat hooks on a standard mod. I've been selling them, rather than lugging them around.

'store' them in your weapons bench ....


Well-Known Member
Did they fix the caps/ammo glitch? I can't seem to get it to work, and I've tried Cricket and the Mr. Handy in Diamond City both. I only use this early on because it's frighteningly difficult for me to make caps in the game. I took to scrapping any weapons or armor I didn't use because nobody wanted to give me anything for them. I was level 25 or something like that before I could afford the Overseer's combat rifle. It's like the game was glitched so that anything not legendary was worth less than a 100 caps. Anything legendary wasn't worth much more than that. Frustrating. So, I nuked that character and started over today. I'm not sure things have improved. The other thing is I'm simply not finding a lot of caps in the wasteland.


PREMO Member
one thing I did was to 'MOD' the game so vendors have 50k caps ...
... I got tired of having to 'shop' vendor after vendor, just to get ride of a load of guns and armor ...

- you don't get paid more for items, traders just have more than 150 caps

oh and apparently 'Grape' Mentats buy high and sell low ... from the same vendor


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Picked this up for my oldest boy for under the tree. He has spoken to me excitedly about this game, I hope it lives up to his expectations. I'm looking forward to playing Star Wars Battlefront.


PREMO Member
I'm looking forward to playing Star Wars Battlefront.

I watch this English bloke on YouTube Jingles ... he posted a video back in Oct. when he was playing the beta [he is a admitted HUGE SW Geek]
he has already uninstalled it, because at the end of the day its EA ... and Battlefield [his opinion] not very good ....

if you are a fan, it wont matter you will play anyway ...
... if not , maybe save your money and buy it when it is on sale ...



Well-Known Member
So I'm about level 25 in my current game, and everything is going along well enough. I'm working on a character who is a stealth-based player. Kind of a cross between a sniper and an assassin, with lock picking and computer hacking thrown in for good measure. The settlements are going well, and I'm running my cheeks off doing Minutemen quests.

So I'm making my way up north, out of what is probably the downtown Boston area. I had a quest to clear out the mutants from Funheil Hall or whatever it is, and then I'm headed north across the bridge from there to another quest.

Before I head out, I stopped into Goodneighbor to stock up and get rid of some extra gear. Among the stuff I sell is any armor I'm wearing, and instead, I switch to the general's uniform, including the tri-corner hat, which I've never worn.

Fine, time to go clear out some Mutie squatters. As McCready and I are headed over there, we run into some muties on the way. Break out my trusty .308, and start lighting them up. Now I'm having a pretty good game, stealth wise and also with my accuracy. I'm lining up on the muties....and nothing's happening. Their health bars aren't moving, and if they are, it's imperceptible. Fine, switch to the heavy .50 cal. I got nothing. Break out the combat rifle with the extended magazine, and moved in for the up-close-and-personal.

That's when I noticed that my health bar wasn't moving all that much. It was moving, more than the muties, but nowhere near as fast as it should have, considering there were 5 or 6 of them all determined to have me look like swiss cheese. Okay, fine...check my inventory...all I've got in this security baton for melee weapons. I start bashing some heads, and now we're getting somewhere! I'm killing Super Mutants like there's no tomorrow! Cool!

We get done there, and head up the street toward the (quest objective) hall when we run into a bunch of raiders and the usual crowd of Muties hanging out. There are always 4 or 5 of them, including a suicide mutie. They're going at it, so they don't notice us at first, but when they do, they all go after me. Ha! With my new god-like powers, I lay waste to the whole lot of them...something like 6 muties and 4 or 5 raiders! Muah-ha-ha! #doctorevillaugh

We move inside the hall, and my god-like resistance to lead poisoning goes away...I notice this while I'm wearing out the Louisville slugger I picked off one of the raiders (he didn't need it anymore), fortunately before I take the dirt nap. So I switch to Kellogg's .44, and make quick work of that quest.

So now I'm thinking that things are back to normal...until I ran into a raider and a guard dog outside a crack den by the river. Bullets are having no effect, even at point-blank range. So I take out the raider and his little dog, too, with the bat, and head inside to the drug den, thinking I'm the schnizz with the wood. Wrong-o. After I reloaded, I took out the raiders with my .44 cal, and that was that.

Now, we're just about to cross the bridge. In my game, it's got 3 vehicles on it, which is a handy piece of information. I spotted 2 deathclaws hanging out on the far side (north) of the river, playing acey duecy or something. Just chillin'.

Now I'm not stupid; my character isn't that physically strong; well-rounded, but not a melee tank, and certainly not ready to go toe-to-toe with a deathclaw or two, even in power armor.

I've always been a good shot (in real life and in the virtual world). I'm thinking "I'll sit on this side of the river and pick them off, one at a time." It's been a pretty effective technique over the years and through the games.

That wasn't as well thought out as it might have been. I start plinking with the .50 cal., so naturally McCready has to go charging across the bridge to take on said deathclaws. It did not go well for him, which is to say that it went about as well as one might expect. Oh, and my rounds were only making the deathclaws angry.

Okay; reload number 1. I have a better idea: I'll get closer to the action, to where I can't miss. Yeah, that didn't go so well. I do wish I could have captured the Kodak moment when the deathclaw body-slammed my character's hapless ass into the pavement.

Reload number 2. This time, the deathclaws are going at it like it was the annual rut. Finally, one of them kills the other, and I'm thinking "cool, I only have to deal with one of them now. This time, I'll lure the deathclaw onto the bridge and McCready will block for me, giving me time to get back to a safe position in the rocks on the south side of the river."

Did I mention that one fully-grown deathclaw killed another fully-grown deathclaw without taking the least bit of damage?

That went well, except for the part where I blasted a rocket into one of the cars, setting off a chain reaction that almost killed the deathclaw. The operative word is "almost." What I soon discovered was that while the blasts from the cars had nearly taken him out, my .50 cal was having no such affect on him. I make it back to the rocks, he loses interest and goes back across the bridge.

Alright, new plan: since my weapons have no affect on him, let's try mining him. I've had good luck with both mines and grenades in this game, using both frequently. This is something which never figured much into my strategy in previous fallout games. Heavy weapons, yes; weapons you heave, not so much, mines hardly ever.

McCready has recovered from his battering at the mini nuclear explosions of the cars on the bridge, and from being flung around like a rag doll by the deathclaw (he did get some impressive hang time). I started laying the mines; 1 bottlecap and 2 or 3 frags. Surely that will take that deathclaw's happy ass out.

While it knocked the crap of of McCready, it had zero affect on the deathclaw. As you might expect by now, neither did my missile launcher; I fired 6 rounds, most of them at point blank range, and all it did was piss him off. Now at this point, you may be thinking what I was thinking, based on what happened with the raiders and Super mutants in the beginning.

That'd be flawed thinking. I still only had a baseball bat, and it didn't make a dent in him, so to speak. I couldn't tell about his attitude, though.

The picture of him lifting my character off the ground and eviscerating me would have been classic. Oh, and deathclaw breath.

I'm going to try an earlier game, which goes back several quests, since I tend to save over the same games (I really should know better), and see what happens.

Wish me luck.
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PREMO Member

Awesome AAR

.... I am surprised you are having so many issues with bullets however

I will say for the 1st 10 levels or so, I used the tire iron and saved the 10mm


Well-Known Member
I reported it as a glitch on the Bethesda website. At first I thought it was the general's armor, but then I thought "why does no one else know about the Superman like ability to have bullets bounce off one's body in the heat of battle?"

It just sucks that I have so much time into this character and that I really like the build so far.

One of the things I'd like to see in the game is the ability for players to input a back story into the game. Not so much an essay, but input basic information that the game would then use for dialogue choices and responses.

For instance: my back story is that she is also former military enlisted, and that's where she and her husband met. She went to college, passed the bar, and became a member of the JAG corps before leaving/retiring to raise her child. That would put her nominal age at around 30 - 38 depending on whether she left the military or retired.

As an enlisted, I picture her as having been an EOD, which explains her ability to use weaponry, and surely it explains her ability to use power armor as well.

I'd also like to see players have the ability to set traps, like pressure plates and laser tripwires.

A neat addition that one should be able to find in one of the military installations is a laser range finder. I'm surprised they didn't include it in this game.
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Well-Known Member

Awesome AAR

.... I am surprised you are having so many issues with bullets however

I will say for the 1st 10 levels or so, I used the tire iron and saved the 10mm

I was thinking about that last night. Even without the glitches, bullets tend to have a lot less desirable affect than one might expect. I liked the way New Vegas was set up, even without the Gunrunners add-on. The mighty .50 cal didn't come along until later on in the game, and until you raised your stats in order to wield it effectively, it was almost useless.

Maybe I'm mis-remembering, but there were differences in the amount of damage that a 10 mm vs a .45 cal vs a .50 cal would create, and in the distances one could snipe effectively.

It pisses me off no end that creatures with sidearms and submachine guns can do as much, if not more damage to you than you can with a long range reach-out-and-touch someone type weapon. There's nothing worse than being in a sniping contest with somebody who turns out to have a .38 cal pipe rifle (short) and having them consistently tag you when you seem to have to go through most of you ammo to take them out with a hardened .50 cal with scope. A .38 round at 500 yards should have little affect even on lightly armored characters, whereas a .308 or a .50 should take their heads clean off at that range.


PREMO Member
I was thinking about that last night. Even without the glitches, bullets tend to have a lot less desirable affect than one might expect.

the Overseers Guardian x2 bullets per shot ..... does 141 dmg

@ level 83 it is still one of my primary go2 weapons for sniping .....