False Prophets


PREMO Member
NYT: Biden Most ‘Religiously Observant’ President ‘In Half A Century,’ Ushering In A ‘Liberal Christianity’

The New York Times praised President Joe Biden’s faith on Saturday, calling Biden the “most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century” and crediting him with ushering in a “different, more liberal Christianity,” by publicly attending Catholic Mass — even though Biden has run afoul of Catholic hierarchy for his recent change of heart on abortion.


The difference, of course, The New York Times points out, is that, despite the Catholic Church’s strict line on the issue, Joe Biden publicly supports abortion.

“Mr. Biden, perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century, regularly attends Mass and speaks of how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies,” the NYT writes, glowingly. “And with Mr. Biden, a different, more liberal Christianity is ascendant: less focused on sexual politics and more on combating poverty, climate change, and racial inequality.”

Those “sexual politics” the NYT says, foster “hate” and “division” — so, thankfully, Biden has abandoned them, despite the fact that opposition to abortion is a core aim of the Catholic Church in the public square, as no less than Pope Francis has repeatedly stressed.

Going to Church Does NOT Make Biden some Religiously Observant Special Citizen ..... he is a hypocrite giving a pass to abortionists and gays


Well-Known Member
These F-ing people are crazy.
Donald Trump did more for Christians than this dork ever thought of doing.

Any Priest or Bishop who gives this rotten baby killing POS Communion should be defrocked, and that goes for Cardinal Gregory too.

They expect me to practice the Catholic religion one way while they allow this man and Pelosi to be culpable in the murder of millions of God's creations. Not sure how much longer I can stay Catholic.