False reports...


"Fill your hands you SOB!
:burning: It cracks my arse when people start spreading false weather/traffic/news reports based on what they heard instead of what is actually going on...

Examples of late...Solomon Bridge closing at 10:00 AM last Thursday due to strong winds that wouldn't show up until later (bridge did actually close, but not until much later in the evening). Several people bolted out of work upon hearing that "news", and now lost vacation time due to someone's irresponsible spreading of rumours.

This morning: we were supposedly under a tornado warning. Several people paniced, ran home to be with the kids, etc... truth is that we were NEVER under a tornado warning in St. Mary's County - it was across the river in Virginia....but that didn't stop the hail of panic phone calls, emails....

Is it just me being pickey or doesn't this bother anyone else???:confused:


Since there isn't much water between us and Virginia and Laplata was destroyed not so long ago ... I don't really view this incident as ridiculous. If we wait until St. Marys in under a tornado warning it's to late right?


Nothing to see here
Good rule of thumb is to not believe a thing on the net or circulating thru your office unless a reputable news service is cited and actually seen. Its easy to jump the gun and put out bad info, I know I've gotten caught up in it by sending storm pics here that turned out to be bogus.


Nothing to see here
and now for the weather

Issued at: 9:30 AM EST 9/23/03, expires at: 4:00 PM EST 9/23/03 for Calvert County, Maryland

Winter weather advisory for today. Snow will continue through mid afternoon across the advisory area. The snow may be heavy at times, reducing visibilities to less than 1 mile. Total snow accumulation by late afternoon is expected to be 1 to 3 inches. The snow will taper to flurries by late afternoon. A winter weather advisory is issued when snow is forecast to develop, but accumulations are expected to be light. Snow will make driving and walking difficult on untreated roadways and sidewalks. Motorists should be especially careful on bridges and overpasses where slippery spots can easily develop. Stay tuned to noaa weather radio and other local media for further details or updates.


But wait, there's more...
OMG :yikes: Better head home and salt the driveway now. And I just heard it was gonna be more like 6-12 inches!


New Member
:frown: My Weather Bug just reported a 90% chance of afternoon thunder showers sometime after noon today. Solomon's bridge will no doubtedly be closed, again! :rolleyes:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I was watching Channel 4 news this morning and they showed the tornado warning in effect for lower St. Mary's and the Northern Neck of Virginia. The storm cell causing all the damage passed directly over the Point Lookout area.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
I was watching Channel 4 news this morning and they showed the tornado warning in effect for lower St. Mary's and the Northern Neck of Virginia.

Don't believe everything you see on TV either...

The National Weather Service is the agency that issues out the warnings, not NBC. I had the NWS site up on my computer all morning...it showed the tornado warnings come & go for Richmond and I watched the tornado warnings move east...but they stopped at the Potomac and were never issued for St. Mary's County. The NWS only issued a severe weather statement about the approaching front. I think maybe channel 4 jumped the gun and assumed that warnings would be posted across the Potomac - they were not.

Thanks to channel 4 for pushing the panic button this time!


But wait, there's more...
I'd rather know that there was a warning 20 miles west of me that might move east than not know and go on my merry way only to find out later that it DID come across the river and the school I just dropped my kid off at is leveled. :ohwell:

plan for the worst; hope for the best. :cheers:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
Don't believe everything you see on TV either...

The National Weather Service is the agency that issues out the warnings, not NBC. I had the NWS site up on my computer all morning...it showed the tornado warnings come & go for Richmond and I watched the tornado warnings move east...but they stopped at the Potomac and were never issued for St. Mary's County. The NWS only issued a severe weather statement about the approaching front. I think maybe channel 4 jumped the gun and assumed that warnings would be posted across the Potomac - they were not.

Thanks to channel 4 for pushing the panic button this time!
Sorry, you misunderstood what I said. I am very much aware that the NWS is the official agency. They (Channel 4) issued a warning to St. Mary's County residents even though the NWS didn't because the same cell that was causing all the problems was actually heading over lower St. Mary's and did in fact hit the Point Lookout area. I saw the radar and they showed the movement of the cell. I appreciated the warning and left for work later than normal to avoid it.

Believe me, we had some pretty fierce winds for awhile, and a couple of gusts that shook the house, as well as some torrential downpours. I can only imagine what they were like further south.
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Originally posted by Voter2002
Don't believe everything you see on TV either...

Thanks to channel 4 for pushing the panic button this time!


Bob Ryan's a dufus who pushes that panic button constantly. I think its attached to his behind.


Originally posted by jazz lady
Sorry, you misunderstood what I said. I am very much aware that the NWS is the official agency. They (Channel 4) issued a warning to St. Mary's County residents even though the NWS didn't because the same cell that was causing all the problems was actually heading over lower St. Mary's and did in fact hit the Point Lookout area. I saw the radar and they showed the movement of the cell. I appreciated the warning and left for work later than normal to avoid it.

Believe me, we had some pretty fierce winds for awhile, and a couple of gusts that shook the house, as well as some torrential downpours. I can only imagine what they were like further south.

I for one appreciated it too. The people down there have been hit hard enough as it is that it was good to know what type of weather was near.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
Don't believe everything you see on TV either...

The National Weather Service is the agency that issues out the warnings, not NBC. I had the NWS site up on my computer all morning...it showed the tornado warnings come & go for Richmond and I watched the tornado warnings move east...but they stopped at the Potomac and were never issued for St. Mary's County. The NWS only issued a severe weather statement about the approaching front. I think maybe channel 4 jumped the gun and assumed that warnings would be posted across the Potomac - they were not.

Thanks to channel 4 for pushing the panic button this time!
Maybe more should have pushed the "panic button" in order to warn of possible tornadic activity:

Possible Tornado Rips Through Isabel-Damaged Va.

Richmond, Va. (AP) - A possible tornado tore through the Richmond area early Tuesday, deepening the wounds of Hurricane Isabel by felling more trees, damaging more homes and increasing power outages.

The National Weather Service in Wakefield said the storm was likely a tornado.

"The damage reports we have been getting ... are very conducive to a tornado," meteorologist Paul Houle said. The path of the storm was northeast to the Chesapeake Bay.
Get a map and draw a line going directly northeast from Richmond to the Chesapeake Bay and tell me where it goes through. Good ole St. Mary's County.

I'd say Bob was the only one who got it right. :yay: