False Teeth?


New Member
Where can I get some false teeth? Not like dentures or anything but maybe like a grill with teeth instead of bling? I just need something that will fit over my teeth when I go out, so it'll look like I got nice teeth instead of jacked up ones. Have you ever heard of anything like that? I don't want to go to the dentist.


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I like to stick to the classic wooden teeth........if they were good enough for Washington...they are good enough for me


New Member
smoothmarine187 said:
I like to stick to the classic wooden teeth........if they were good enough for Washington...they are good enough for me
Would you be embarassed to hang out with me at ABC and Roses, with my wooden teeth?


Well-Known Member
Azzy said:
I dont have my wooden teeth yet. I was gonna come out tonight but you said no one was going anywhere :duh:

lol...I went out for a whole two hours......I don't think that would have been worth your drive! silly woman........ :smack:

Nanny Pam

smoothmarine187 said:
I like to stick to the classic wooden teeth........if they were good enough for Washington...they are good enough for me

Yeah, but Martha Washington HATED them!

She often complained about splinters in her suzy. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Nanny Pam said:
Yeah, but Martha Washington HATED them!

She often complained about splinters in her suzy. :shrug:

:lmao: I hope he was smart enough to remove them first, floppin his lips all over it like a horse trying to get a short piece of grass......lol