Families of fallen U.S. troops get death gratuity


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"(Reuters) - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Wednesday families of troops who die during the government shutdown will receive a death benefit payment, despite legal restrictions on the Pentagon, thanks to a deal reached with a private charity.

Hagel made the announcement in a statement after attending a ceremony honoring the return to the United States of the bodies of four soldiers killed by insurgents in Afghanistan on Sunday. The Pentagon was unable to pay the $100,000 "death gratuity" to those families during the shutdown."
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Well-Known Member
Too little too late. The Commander in Chief over in the Spitehouse already looks like a failure again for this. Bill Oreilly, who usually doesn't go off the deep end right away, last night said Hagel should immediately step down over the death benefit screw up.


Well-Known Member

Does your leadership know you're commenting? Things must be getting bad over there.

Even Greta, who seldom ever goes off script, set aside 2 minutes of her show last night to do nothing but chew Hagel a new a-hole over it.