Family horse?


New Member
Family horse Potential?

Got an ad up.....

I have a couple good family type horses coming from KY if anyone is interested. Need rehoming.

5 yr old belgian gelding...Josiah, rides, pulls a little and would probably take to a cart quick. He a very good boy, loves kids.


Anastasia a 2 year old spotted draft mare. Good girl with potential. Nearly broke, just needs some miles and not a mean bone in her body. Big easy going gal.

Ive got pics, and the owners write up.

these guys are reasonable to the right home, PM with email fro more info and the pics.
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New Member
yikes, i know you have good intentions, but careful advertising a 2 year old as a family horse....or even a 5 year old. young and green don't typically do well in what most people think of as a "family" situation...


New Member
yikes, i know you have good intentions, but careful advertising a 2 year old as a family horse....or even a 5 year old. young and green don't typically do well in what most people think of as a "family" situation...

I resemble that statement. :whistle: It is true and it was a disaster for both the horse and rider. I finally realized after I had been hurt several times that it was not going to work. I loved him dearly but I ended up selling him to people who knew how to handle a horse and I purchased a real beginners horse.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Having started quiet a few Rocky youngsters over the last 5 years, as well as a couple of Appys, I believe this depends on the breed. What E-M has are draft horses, a cold blooded breed. Most I've seen at their worst are stubborn and bulky not mean or dangerous.

I'm currently riding a 2 y/o Rocky colt I raised and started myself 2 weeks ago. His very first ride, which occurred the same day as I got on his back for the first time, took us to Myrtle Point, and into the water up to his belly, ie: over the river and through the woods. He walked right on, ahead of the 10 y/o QH mare who we rode with, and led HER through lots of stuff, including boats moored within feet of him, kids splashing in the water, and a huge blowup boat with kids in it floating right up to him to say HI.

Every single Rocky I've started has been like this. Just sold a 4 y/o last week who does anything, and has since I first got on her back at 3. I have a 3 y/o for sale who is exactly the same way and has been since i got on her at 2 1/2. It's a breed thing, and I know the pedigrees that carry the temperament, so i breed and purchase from those tried and true lines.

Conversely, I watched a 3 y/o appy filly we raised be started by a friend the same time I started my Rocky gelding, the friend has purchased her. To me, she was still very bulky, and confused with even simple things, after having been ridden for several weeks consistently, and she had the same ground work done with her, that mine has had done with him, I know because I did it. Her owner LOVES her and is amazed at how well she does for such a young horse. Right then, the true difference in breeds struck me. You have to experience it to believe it.

Tommy Turvey, the trick trainer who was at the MD Horse Expo says the 2 Rockies he has are the easiest, most willing and smartest horses he's ever trained and he's right.
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New Member
Thank You.

I did not say great for beginer riders.
I am not even advertising them as true 'riding horses'.

these guys need a home, and have great potential. Ground wise these guys are sweet as pie, and some or more riding would be a great family pet and eventually a family horse

Joe would be great to double with even older 10 year old kids ONCE AN ADULT TRUSTS him which can be a year or more....

POTENTIAL because they are gentle giants and have a good nature naturally.

If you have any questions, come visit them (when they get here) then tell me I am wrong.


Having started quiet a few Rocky youngsters over the last 5 years, as well as a couple of Appys, I believe this depends on the breed. What E-M has are draft horses, a cold blooded breed. Most I've seen at their worst are stubborn and bulky not mean or dangerous.

I'm currently riding a 2 y/o Rocky colt I raised and started myself 2 weeks ago. His very first ride, which occurred the same day as I got on his back for the first time, took us to Myrtle Point, and into the water up to his belly, ie: over the river and through the woods. He walked right on, ahead of the 10 y/o QH mare who we rode with, and led HER through lots of stuff, including boats moored within feet of him, kids splashing in the water, and a huge blowup boat with kids in it floating right up to him to say HI.

Every single Rocky I've started has been like this. Just sold a 4 y/o last week who does anything, and has since I first got on her back at 3. I have a 3 y/o for sale who is exactly the same way and has been since i got on her at 2 1/2. It's a breed thing, and I know the pedigrees that carry the temperament, so i breed and purchase from those tried and true lines.

Conversely, I watched a 3 y/o appy filly we raised be started by a friend the same time I started my Rocky gelding, the friend has purchased her. To me, she was still very bulky, and confused with even simple things, after having been ridden for several weeks consistently, and she had the same ground work done with her, that mine has had done with him, I know because I did it. Her owner LOVES her and is amazed at how well she does for such a young horse. Right then, the true difference in breeds struck me. You have to experience it to believe it.

Tommy Turvey, the trick trainer who was at the MD Horse Expo says the 2 Rockies he has are the easiest, most willing and smartest horses he's ever trained and he's right.

I would have to agree with Happyappy. However, my 2 1/2 yr old (this month)Appy gelding (who, by the way, was raised with Rockies, Acts exactly the same way) Very willing, eager to please, and VERY smart. He has only been ridden bare back, and with a side pull, but he has been on quite a few trails now and has done an exceptional job. Loves water, tries to make a personal swimming pool out of the water trough. :whistle: On his first real trail ride he was one of the first ones in the water too. THen he decided to lay down in it to get his rider good an soaked. :lmao: After he cooled himself off, he stood right back up and continued on the trail.

He also went on the SMTR twilight ride at Cedarville State Park. He did everything asked of him. Believe me we ask him to do it all. :killingme We tied Glow sticks in his mane and tail. It was a matter of fact with him. Not effected in the slightest. HE IS A GREAT BOY, and Handsome too!!

The Rocky Mountian Horse, is truly the best all around mount I have ever seen.

Drafts are known for being Gentle Giants. Even the young ones i've met are very calm, and sweet.
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