family website


New Member
Does anyone use a family website to put pictures up on and keep everyone updated. I am looking for one that is not going to cost a fortune or is going to be free. Also need it to be easy to use. I googled it but was wondering if anyone here uses one and could recommend it? Thanks

For just family pictures you could use a site like photobucket, and create a password protected album.


New Member
I actually have a password protected blog on VERY easy to use and no one can see it except who I give the password to. I have family all over and keep it updated with the kids pics and what's going on in our family.

It's free, too.


Why me??
Does anyone use a family website to put pictures up on and keep everyone updated. I am looking for one that is not going to cost a fortune or is going to be free. Also need it to be easy to use. I googled it but was wondering if anyone here uses one and could recommend it? Thanks

My Aunt set one up for my family. It is through Yahoo. I LOVE IT!! It keeps me connected with all my family...we are so far away from each other so I love it.