

New Member
If someone in your family were going through a very tough time, would you take them in? To what extent should families go to help each other?


I eat red meat
Sure, why not? Family, for me, means that help will always be there when needed, but there are limits to everything. Such as if you move in with me you live by my rules under my roof, if you can't, sorry.


If someone in your family were going through a very tough time, would you take them in? To what extent should families go to help each other?

If you even feel that you have to start a thread asking this question, then you are a cold hearted person. It is all about Family, if you don't have Family, you have nothing.
If someone in your family were going through a very tough time, would you take them in? To what extent should families go to help each other?

Sure, why not? Family, for me, means that help will always be there when needed, but there are limits to everything. Such as if you move in with me you live by my rules under my roof, if you can't, sorry.

If you even feel that you have to start a thread asking this question, then you are a cold hearted person. It is all about Family, if you don't have Family, you have nothing.

Bullhockey... it depends on the circumstances. If your family member is a crack addicted POS you have to face the fact that your household safety and the contents within the home are at high risk if you take them in. And if you say, "So what if they steal me blind, living things are more important." then you need to stop and think about how you are enabling them to continue to feed their habit and you become just another pawn in their scheme. Shame on you.


I am so very blessed
Bullhockey... it depends on the circumstances. If your family member is a crack addicted POS you have to face the fact that your household safety and the contents within the home are at high risk if you take them in. And if you say, "So what if they steal me blind, living things are more important." then you need to stop and think about how you are enabling them to continue to feed their habit and you become just another pawn in their scheme. Shame on you.

Having said that, can I come live with you? :shrug:


New Member
Sure, why not? Family, for me, means that help will always be there when needed, but there are limits to everything. Such as if you move in with me you live by my rules under my roof, if you can't, sorry.


Bullhockey... it depends on the circumstances. If your family member is a crack addicted POS you have to face the fact that your household safety and the contents within the home are at high risk if you take them in. And if you say, "So what if they steal me blind, living things are more important." then you need to stop and think about how you are enabling them to continue to feed their habit and you become just another pawn in their scheme. Shame on you.

But also :yeahthat:

I would think it depended on the circumstances, I would put my families safety first.


..if momma ain't happy...
Bullhockey... it depends on the circumstances. If your family member is a crack addicted POS you have to face the fact that your household safety and the contents within the home are at high risk if you take them in. And if you say, "So what if they steal me blind, living things are more important." then you need to stop and think about how you are enabling them to continue to feed their habit and you become just another pawn in their scheme. Shame on you.


Gotta keep the people living at home, especially any younger children, safe, and teach THEM that some things just are not accepted or tolerated. Do not enable continuing bad behavior.


I wanna be a SMIB
My hubbys family can rot and die in the street, I would never lift a finger for them. And I hope they read this


My hubbys family can rot and die in the street, I would never lift a finger for them. And I hope they read this

Wow baileydog, don't hold back on your true feelings! :killingme

IMO, it really depends on the situation. There are family members of mine I'd do anything for & ones I wouldn't help if they were the last people on earth. I don't feel as though a family member is entitled to my help simply because they're related to me.

If my brother was in trouble, I'd do anything in the world to help him out. We've always had a close relationship. He'd respect my home. In addition, and most importantly, he wouldn't milk the situation. He'd have a job, not sit around like a lazy bum messing up my home, watching Jerry Springer & hitting the crack pipe. He adores my son. One of my cousins.....lets just say that he's not welcome here because of a lifestyle he's chosen to live. I won't allow my son to be exposed to it, nor do I have any respect for him whatsoever. He's on his own, better shape up quick.


Active Member
If someone in your family were going through a very tough time, would you take them in? To what extent should families go to help each other?

And then there are some situations where, as much as you want to help them, you can't. Such as with a severe alcholic brother. No one in the family could tolerate him, even his wife threw him out and he lived on the streets in Ridge and Ghetto Mills. It is very very sad. He is dead now from a massive heart attack at 55. But I have to agree that it depends on the situation, as much as it hurts.