Fantasy Football Signups!



Guest [league name... Redskins So.Md. league email... I know its early, and the auto draft day is set to 07/31/2010 JOIN UP!!!!

Why have a draft as training camps are just starting? C Johnson may or may not hold out, Favre may or may not return, TO still has not signed, not to mention the season ending injuries that occur during training camp.

I won the SOMD Yahoo league last year but will not be back to defend my title this year. Good luck to all that enter!!!!



Why have a draft as training camps are just starting? C Johnson may or may not hold out, Favre may or may not return, TO still has not signed, not to mention the season ending injuries that occur during training camp.

I won the SOMD Yahoo league last year but will not be back to defend my title this year. Good luck to all that enter!!!!

You are right, I should have and will make the draft 8/29. Good luck.