Farewell to 'Southern Maryland


New Member
It has been an interesting 3 years here...and I didn't see myself leaving once I got here. but this is to say good bye!

While I got frustrated working from one contractor to the next in hopes of landing a GS position at NAVAIR, I did find a dream job with SAIC. I got a great raise, the best benefits package I ever saw, my ESPP and 401K are all doing well, and I work with great people doing a job that I love. Only one small little problem...my workload at Norfolk quadruppled. So SAIC offers a relocation package, and yesterday I just closed on my home in Mariner's Cove, and I've landed down in Chesapeake VA.

I had the best neighbors in the world down in Mariners' Cove, and it is with sadness that I leave them....

It has been fun here, I've grown to love the area...but I had to make a career move....take care all...

see you all later


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
I must agree, via proxy, SAIC is a great company to work for. My father landed a job with SAIC several months ago. 30% more than what DCS paid doing basicaly the same job. Of course that 30% could be for the cost of living. He's in Hunington Beach, CA, close to the area where he grew up.